[Књига][B] Soil contamination, nutritive value, and human health risk assessment of heavy metals: an overview

M Oves, MS Khan, A Zaidi, E Ahmad - 2012 - Springer
Globally, rapidly increasing industrialization and urbanization have resulted in the
accumulation of higher concentrations of heavy metals in soils. The highly contaminated soil …

Health risk assessment of heavy metals in water, air, soil and fish

IB Koki, AS Bayero, A Umar… - African journal of pure …, 2015 - academicjournals.org
The study and application of health risk assessment techniques are crucial in order to
understand the risk of exposure to heavy metals and other harmful pollutants. It entails …

Scientific Opinion on the risk for public health related to the presence of mercury and methylmercury in food

EFSA Panel on Contaminants in the Food Chain … - Efsa …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
EFSA was asked by the European Commission to consider new developments regarding
inorganic mercury and methylmercury toxicity and evaluate whether the Joint FAO/WHO …

Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in commercially important marine fishes from Mumbai Harbor, India

A Velusamy, PS Kumar, A Ram, S Chinnadurai - Marine pollution bulletin, 2014 - Elsevier
Seventeen commercially important marine fish species were caught in Mumbai Harbor using
a trawl net and evaluated using Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy and ICP-OES. It was found …

Toxic heavy metals in commercially important food fishes collected from Palk Bay, Southeastern India

A Arulkumar, S Paramasivam, R Rajaram - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2017 - Elsevier
Toxic heavy metals are an important group of emerging chemical contaminants in seafood.
Heavy metal concentrations in commercially important and most commonly eaten 10 fish …

Contamination features, geo-accumulation, enrichments and human health risks of toxic heavy metal (loids) from fish consumption collected along Swat river, Pakistan

M Liu, Y Xu, J Nawab, Z Rahman, S Khan… - … Technology & Innovation, 2020 - Elsevier
Toxic heavy metal (loids)(THMs) are released into natural water systems from geological
and anthropogenic sources, and easily accumulated via water and sediments in aquatic fish …

Anthroposea: Planning future ecologies in Mumbai's wetscapes

N Anand - Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
In this article, I describe Mumbai's sea as an “anthroposea”–a sea made with ongoing
anthropogenic processes across landwaters–to draw attention to the ways in which it …

Risk assessment of total mercury and methylmercury in aquatic products from offshore farms in China

W Zhang, X Zhang, Y Tian, Y Zhu, Y Tong, Y Li… - Journal of Hazardous …, 2018 - Elsevier
Contamination of methylmercury (MeHg) in aquatic products has been a wide spread health
concern. The objective of this study is to determine total mercury (THg) and MeHg …

Effects of water impoundment and water-level manipulation on the bioaccumulation pattern, trophic transfer and health risk of heavy metals in the food web of Three …

C Sang, Y Zheng, Q Zhou, D Li, G Liang, Y Gao - Chemosphere, 2019 - Elsevier
Abstract The Three Gorges Reservoir (TGR) of China, the largest hydropower project over
the world, has attracted much attention to the water impoundment and water-level …

Heavy metal pollution causes mass mortality of fish in a tropical estuary in the southwestern Bay of Bengal

S Naik, U Pradhan, P Karthikeyan, M Begum… - Marine Environmental …, 2024 - Elsevier
A massive fish mortality of the major species, viz., Mugil cephalus, Chanos chanos, and
Oreochromis mossambicus, occurred on November 27, 2017 in the Adyar estuary. This …