Trace element patterns in otoliths: the role of biomineralization
Otolith chemistry has gained increasing attention as a tool for analyzing various aspects of
fish biology, such as stock dynamics, migration patterns, hypoxia and pollution exposure …
fish biology, such as stock dynamics, migration patterns, hypoxia and pollution exposure …
Accuracy, precision and quality control in age determination, including a review of the use and abuse of age validation methods
Many calcified structures produce periodic growth increments useful for age determination at
the annual or daily scale. However, age determination is invariably accompanied by various …
the annual or daily scale. However, age determination is invariably accompanied by various …
Enigmatic ear stones: what we know about the functional role and evolution of fish otoliths
Otoliths in bony fishes play an important role in the senses of balance and hearing. Otolith
mass and shape are, among others, likely to be decisive factors influencing otolith motion …
mass and shape are, among others, likely to be decisive factors influencing otolith motion …
Making sense of culture
I present a brief review of problems in the sociological study of culture, followed by an
integrated, interdisciplinary view of culture that eschews extreme contextualism and other …
integrated, interdisciplinary view of culture that eschews extreme contextualism and other …
[PDF][PDF] Age determination and validation in chondrichthyan fishes
It is important to understand the ages, growth characteristics, maturation processes, and
longevity of fishes to assess their current population status and to predict how their …
longevity of fishes to assess their current population status and to predict how their …
Marine reserves and ocean neighborhoods: the spatial scale of marine populations and their management
▪ Abstract The movement of individuals defines a spatial neighborhood that can help
determine marine management strategies. Here, I briefly review four fields of marine biology …
determine marine management strategies. Here, I briefly review four fields of marine biology …
Extreme reduction in nutritional value of a key forage fish during the Pacific marine heatwave of 2014-2016
Pacific sand lance Ammodytes personatus are a key forage fish in the North Pacific for many
species of salmon, groundfish, seabirds, and marine mammals and have historically been …
species of salmon, groundfish, seabirds, and marine mammals and have historically been …
Why otoliths? Insights from inner ear physiology and fisheries biology
Otoliths are of interest to investigators from several disciplines including systematics,
auditory neuroscience, and fisheries. However, there is often very little sharing of information …
auditory neuroscience, and fisheries. However, there is often very little sharing of information …
Can otolith elemental chemistry retrospectively track migrations in fully marine fishes?
Otolith microchemistry can provide valuable information about stock structure and mixing
patterns when the magnitude of environmental differences among areas is greater than the …
patterns when the magnitude of environmental differences among areas is greater than the …
Environmental and genetic determinant of otolith shape revealed by a non-indigenous tropical fish
Otolith morphometrics have been shown to provide a practical basis for stock discrimination
and subsequent fisheries management. However, the determinants of otolith shape are not …
and subsequent fisheries management. However, the determinants of otolith shape are not …