[PDF][PDF] Incorporating prosodic prominence evidence into term weights for spoken content retrieval.

DN Racca, GJF Jones - INTERSPEECH, 2015 - isca-archive.org
We present an extended technique for spoken content retrieval (SCR) that exploits the
prosodic characteristics of spoken terms in order to improve retrieval effectiveness. Our …

Spoken content retrieval beyond pipeline integration of automatic speech recognition and information retrieval

D Racca - 2018 - doras.dcu.ie
The dramatic increase in the creation of multimedia content is leading to the development of
large archives in which a substantial amount of the information is in spoken form. Efficient …


田崎広人, 秋葉友良 - 電子情報通信学会論文誌 D, 2018 - search.ieice.org
音声を利用した情報検索システムは, ユーザの情報収集をより容易にする存在として期待されている
. しかし従来の音声検索システムではあらかじめ発話内容を決定しておかなければならなく …