Prorogation of waves in shallow water through unidirectional Dullin–Gottwald–Holm model; computational simulations
MMA Khater - International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2023 - World Scientific
This paper investigates novel solitary wave solutions of the unidirectional Dullin–Gottwald–
Holm model and employs the modified Khater (MKhat) method for studying the dynamical …
Holm model and employs the modified Khater (MKhat) method for studying the dynamical …
Unveiling optical soliton solutions and bifurcation analysis in the space–time fractional Fokas–Lenells equation via SSE approach
The space–time fractional Fokas–Lenells (STFFL) equation serves as a fundamental
mathematical model employed in telecommunications and transmission technology …
mathematical model employed in telecommunications and transmission technology …
[HTML][HTML] The improved modified extended tanh-function method to develop the exact travelling wave solutions of a family of 3D fractional WBBM equations
The improved modified extended tanh-function (imETF) method is used to develop exact
traveling wave solutions of a family of 3D fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony …
traveling wave solutions of a family of 3D fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony …
[HTML][HTML] Construction solitons for fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation with β-time derivative by the new sub-equation method
This article applies the new sub-equation method to derive soliton solutions and other
solutions for unstable and modified unstable nonlinear Schrödinger equations with β-time …
solutions for unstable and modified unstable nonlinear Schrödinger equations with β-time …
[HTML][HTML] Sine-Gordon expansion method to construct the solitary wave solutions of a family of 3D fractional WBBM equations
Abstract The Sine-Gordon expansion (SGE) method is used to develop exact traveling wave
solutions of a family of 3D fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (WBBM) equations …
solutions of a family of 3D fractional Wazwaz-Benjamin-Bona-Mahony (WBBM) equations …
New analytical and numerical solutions to the (2+ 1)-dimensional conformable cpKP–BKP equation arising in fluid dynamics, plasma physics, and nonlinear optics
Abstract This study investigates the (2+ 1)-dimensional conformable combined potential
Kadomtsev–Petviashvili-B-type Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (cpKP–BKP) equation. It is a linear …
Kadomtsev–Petviashvili-B-type Kadomtsev–Petviashvili (cpKP–BKP) equation. It is a linear …
[HTML][HTML] On fractional order computational solutions of low-pass electrical transmission line model with the sense of conformable derivative
In this study, we solve fractional order PDEs with free parameters that regulate wave motion
in a low-pass electrical transmission line equation (LPET) using the unified technique. To …
in a low-pass electrical transmission line equation (LPET) using the unified technique. To …
[HTML][HTML] Solitary wave structures of a family of 3D fractional WBBM equation via the tanh–coth approach
The fractional nonlinear partial differential equation (FNLPDE), such as the family of 3D
fractional Wazwaz–Benjamin–Bona–Mahony (WBBM) equations, are investigated in this …
fractional Wazwaz–Benjamin–Bona–Mahony (WBBM) equations, are investigated in this …
New soliton solutions of M-fractional Westervelt model in ultrasound imaging via two analytical techniques
This research paper is about the ultrasound propagation, which propagates the mechanical
vibration of the molecules or of the particles of a material. It measures the speed of sound in …
vibration of the molecules or of the particles of a material. It measures the speed of sound in …
A construction of novel soliton solutions to the nonlinear fractional Kairat-II equation through computational simulation
In this research paper, explored the newly exact soliton solutions of the nonlinear fractional
Kairat-II equation under extended simple equation method. The set of Kairat-II equations …
Kairat-II equation under extended simple equation method. The set of Kairat-II equations …