[PDF][PDF] Multiple forms of representation: Using maps to triangulate students' tacit writing knowledge

Í O'Sullivan, A Hart, AJ Holmes, AV Knutson, Y Sinha… - 2022 - dspace.allegheny.edu
整愠湡浥㴢䅵瑨潲∠捯湴敮琽≢步牮∾਼浥瑡慭攽≃牥慴楯湄慴攢⁣潮瑥湴㴢䐺㈰㈲㄰㈰〹㈱㔹ⴰ㐦 …

[หนังสือ][B] Understanding needs: facilitating faculty support for formal assessment processes in higher education

T Cao - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Prior literature discusses how conflicting beliefs regarding assessment, competing
workloads, and a lack of formal assessment resources may contribute to faculty reluctance to …

The Impact of Reflection on the Professional Development of Future Preschool Teachers

TO Atroshchenko, VV Ivanova, OM Popovych… - 2021 - dspace-s.msu.edu.ua
The aim of this study is to establish the impact of reflection on the development of future
preschool teachers. The study involved the following methods: test to determine the level of …

[PDF][PDF] Investigating the efficacy of a collaborative evaluation model using visual research methods and concept map** strategies to evaluate a professional learning …

NA Vradenburg - 2021 - scholarworks.montana.edu
In her book, Practicing Evaluation: A Collaborative Approach, Rita O'Sullivan (2012) defines
the specific role of evaluation research compared to basic research. She asserts evaluation …

El impacto de la reflexión en el desarrollo profesional de los futuros maestros de preescolar

TO Atroshchenko, VV Ivanova… - Apuntes …, 2022 - apuntesuniversitarios.upeu.edu.pe
El objetivo del presente estudio es establecer el impacto de la reflexión en el desarrollo de
los futuros maestros de preescolar. El estudio involucró los siguientes métodos: prueba …