The health costs of cost sharing
What happens when patients suddenly stop their medications? We study the health
consequences of drug interruptions caused by large, abrupt, and arbitrary changes in price …
consequences of drug interruptions caused by large, abrupt, and arbitrary changes in price …
[HTML][HTML] Health care expenditures attributable to primary care physician overall and burnout-related turnover: a cross-sectional analysis
Objective To estimate the excess health care expenditures due to US primary care physician
(PCP) turnover, both overall and specific to burnout. Methods We estimated the excess …
(PCP) turnover, both overall and specific to burnout. Methods We estimated the excess …
The role of primary care in improving population health
In widely quoted ecological analyses, primary care is associated with population health. 1, 2
Not only with population health, 3, 4 but with health equity, 5, 6 health care quality, 7, 8 and …
Not only with population health, 3, 4 but with health equity, 5, 6 health care quality, 7, 8 and …
When rural hospitals close, the physician workforce goes
Rates of rural hospital closures have been increasing over the past decade. Closures will
almost certainly restrict rural residents' access to important inpatient services, and they could …
almost certainly restrict rural residents' access to important inpatient services, and they could …
Navigating the doctor-patient-AI relationship-a mixed-methods study of physician attitudes toward artificial intelligence in primary care
Background Artificial intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing field that is beginning to enter
the practice of medicine. Primary care is a cornerstone of medicine and deals with …
the practice of medicine. Primary care is a cornerstone of medicine and deals with …
Proportion of adults in the general population of Stockholm County who want gender-affirming medical treatment
The number of patients presenting for care at gender clinics is increasing, yet the proportion
of adults in the general population who want gender-affirming medical treatment remains …
of adults in the general population who want gender-affirming medical treatment remains …
Cancer care coordination: opportunities for healthcare delivery research
In this commentary, we discuss opportunities to explore issues related to care coordination
at three points on the cancer care continuum:(1) screening, particularly coordinating follow …
at three points on the cancer care continuum:(1) screening, particularly coordinating follow …
Analysis of variation in organizational definitions of primary care panels: a systematic review
Importance Primary care panel size plays an increasing role in measuring primary care
provider (ie, physicians and advanced practice providers, which include nurse practitioners …
provider (ie, physicians and advanced practice providers, which include nurse practitioners …
Revisiting the four core functions (4Cs) of primary care: operational definitions and complexities
Background: The four primary care (PC) core functions (the '4Cs', ie, first contact,
comprehensiveness, coordination and continuity) are essential for good quality primary …
comprehensiveness, coordination and continuity) are essential for good quality primary …
Revitalizing primary care, part 1: root causes of primary care's problems
T Bodenheimer - The Annals of Family Medicine, 2022 -
This 2-part essay offers a discussion of the health of primary care in the United States. Part 1
argues that the root causes of primary care's problems are (1) the low percent of national …
argues that the root causes of primary care's problems are (1) the low percent of national …