A travel guide to Cytoscape plugins
Cytoscape is open-source software for integration, visualization and analysis of biological
networks. It can be extended through Cytoscape plugins, enabling a broad community of …
networks. It can be extended through Cytoscape plugins, enabling a broad community of …
Structure and dynamics of molecular networks: a novel paradigm of drug discovery: a comprehensive review
Despite considerable progress in genome-and proteome-based high-throughput screening
methods and in rational drug design, the increase in approved drugs in the past decade did …
methods and in rational drug design, the increase in approved drugs in the past decade did …
The RING 2.0 web server for high quality residue interaction networks
Residue interaction networks (RINs) are an alternative way of representing protein
structures where nodes are residues and arcs physico–chemical interactions. RINs have …
structures where nodes are residues and arcs physico–chemical interactions. RINs have …
Universal allosteric mechanism for Gα activation by GPCRs
G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) allosterically activate heterotrimeric G proteins and
trigger GDP release. Given that there are∼ 800 human GPCRs and 16 different Gα genes …
trigger GDP release. Given that there are∼ 800 human GPCRs and 16 different Gα genes …
Biological network exploration with Cytoscape 3
Cytoscape is one of the most popular open‐source software tools for the visual exploration
of biomedical networks composed of protein, gene, and other types of interactions. It offers …
of biomedical networks composed of protein, gene, and other types of interactions. It offers …
Topological analysis and interactive visualization of biological networks and protein structures
Computational analysis and interactive visualization of biological networks and protein
structures are common tasks for gaining insight into biological processes. This protocol …
structures are common tasks for gaining insight into biological processes. This protocol …
Protein contact networks: an emerging paradigm in chemistry
Topology is at the very heart of chemistry. This stems from the fact that chemical thought,
since its prescientific alchemic origins, focused on the mutual relations between different …
since its prescientific alchemic origins, focused on the mutual relations between different …
NAPS: network analysis of protein structures
Traditionally, protein structures have been analysed by the secondary structure architecture
and fold arrangement. An alternative approach that has shown promise is modelling …
and fold arrangement. An alternative approach that has shown promise is modelling …
NetworkView: 3D display and analysis of protein·RNA interaction networks
NetworkView is an application for the display and analysis of protein· RNA interaction
networks derived from structure and/or dynamics. These networks typically model individual …
networks derived from structure and/or dynamics. These networks typically model individual …
Visualization and analysis of non-covalent contacts using the Protein Contacts Atlas
Visualizations of biomolecular structures empower us to gain insights into biological
functions, generate testable hypotheses, and communicate biological concepts. Typical …
functions, generate testable hypotheses, and communicate biological concepts. Typical …