Heusristics for optimum beta factor and filter order determination in echo canceler systems

C Yeh, W Song - US Patent 6,687,373, 2004 - Google Patents
The invention relates generally to telecommunications. More specifically, the invention
relates to echo cancellation in data, Voice and other communication Systems. 2. Description …

Digital signal processor with coupled multiply-accumulate units

GC Sih, X Chen, DD Hsu - US Patent 6,557,022, 2003 - Google Patents
Two multiply-accumulate units are coupled together so that the computation (B* C)+(D* E)
can be completed in one cycle. An adder (216) adds together the products of the two …

Narrowband interference and identification and digital processing for cable television return path performance enhancement

TN Booth, RL Howald - US Patent 7,716,712, 2010 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Cable Television (CATV) Networks have been undergoing rapid upgrading,
particularly in North America, to provide advanced services, such as digital video, telephony …

Hybrid echo canceller

R Levonas, H Liu - US Patent 7,068,780, 2006 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Line echoes (ie, electrical echoes) occur in telecommu nications networks
due to impedance mismatches at hybrid transformers that couple two-wire local customer …

Programmable circuit for realizing a digital filter

E Dujardin, O Gay-Bellile - US Patent 6,279,020, 2001 - Google Patents
Primary Examiner Tan V. Mai (57) ABSTRACT An apparatus having plurality of filter
processing elements is provided in order to obtain adequate calculation power, particularly …

Echo cancellation method and echo canceller implementing such a process

F Capman, J Boudy - US Patent 6,108,413, 2000 - Google Patents
57 ABSTRACT A reception signal is input to an echo generator System. An observation
signal is gathered from the System. The recep tion Signal is filtered to produce an echo …

DSP execution unit for efficient alternate modes for processing multiple data sizes

BC Aldrich, J Fridman, P Meyer, G Liang - US Patent 7,047,271, 2006 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Digital signal processing is concerned with the represen tation of signals in
digital form and the transformation or processing of Such signal representation using …

Virtual double width accumulators for vector processing

P Devaney, D Keaton, K Murai - US Patent App. 10/403,315, 2004 - Google Patents
0002. When two integer numbers with N bit precision are multiplied, the result has 2N bit
precision. For most appli cations, Sufficient precision may be maintained by reducing the …

Instruction set processor enhancement for computing a fast fourier transform

K Rounioja, S Ong - US Patent App. 11/100,084, 2006 - Google Patents
This invention describes a method of computing a fast Fourier transform (FFT) using
enhanced processor compu tational capabilities for more efficient and flexible imple …

Device and method for improving the reception quality of messages in a CAN bus system

P Nickel - US Patent 10,581,641, 2020 - Google Patents
Itis thus an Object ofthe presentinventionto provide a uSerStatiOn fora
buSSyStemandamethOd. Which SOlvethe abOVe-mentiOned problemS. In particular …