Touching the audience: musical haptic wearables for augmented and participatory live music performances
This paper introduces the musical haptic wearables for audiences (MHWAs), a class of
wearable devices for musical applications targeting audiences of live music performances …
wearable devices for musical applications targeting audiences of live music performances …
[HTML][HTML] Mood glove: A haptic wearable prototype system to enhance mood music in film
This is an exploratory work aimed at enhancing mood music in film entertainment. We
present the design and implementation of a haptic wearable prototype system which aims to …
present the design and implementation of a haptic wearable prototype system which aims to …
Co-design of Musical Haptic Wearables for electronic music performer's communication
Communication among performers is a fundamental aspect in music performance. A large
number of electronic music instruments based on tangible and screen-based interfaces …
number of electronic music instruments based on tangible and screen-based interfaces …
The design of the body: suit: score, a full-body vibrotactile musical score
We present the body: suit: score, a vibrotactile musical score that displays instructions and
signals directly on musicians' bodies using an array of vibrating motors. Initially inspired by …
signals directly on musicians' bodies using an array of vibrating motors. Initially inspired by …
[PDF][PDF] Follow the tactile metronome: Vibrotactile stimulation for tempo synchronization in music performance
In this paper we present a pilot study evaluating the effectiveness of a tactile metronome for
music performance and training. Four guitar players were asked to synchronize to a …
music performance and training. Four guitar players were asked to synchronize to a …
[PDF][PDF] Design of vibrotactile feedback and stimulation for music performance
Haptics, and specifically vibrotactile-augmented interfaces, have been the object of much
research in the music technology domain: In the last few decades, many musical haptic …
research in the music technology domain: In the last few decades, many musical haptic …
Diverse sounds: Enabling inclusive sonic interaction
E Frid - 2019 - diva-portal.org
This compilation thesis collects a series of publications on designing sonic interactions for
diversity and inclusion. The presented papers focus on case studies in which musical …
diversity and inclusion. The presented papers focus on case studies in which musical …
Design and implementation of a whole-body haptic suit for “Ilinx”, a multisensory art installation
Ilinx is a multidisciplinary art/science research project focusing on the development of a
multisensory art installation involving sound, visuals and haptics. In this paper we describe …
multisensory art installation involving sound, visuals and haptics. In this paper we describe …
Development of a vibrotactile metronome to assist in conducting contemporary classical music
Contemporary classical music conductors are often required to perform music that requires a
click track for accurate tempo following. Auditory click tracks can be obtrusive as they block …
click track for accurate tempo following. Auditory click tracks can be obtrusive as they block …
Smart mandolin and musical haptic gilet: effects of vibro-tactile stimuli during live music performance
In this paper we investigate the role of haptic stimuli in affecting the perception of live music.
We designed a study where a smart mandolin performer played live for audience members …
We designed a study where a smart mandolin performer played live for audience members …