Pre-loved luxury: Identifying the meanings of second-hand luxury possessions
Purpose–The purpose of this study is to shed light on the consumption of second-hand
luxury brands, identifying the meanings attached to second-hand luxury possessions in the …
luxury brands, identifying the meanings attached to second-hand luxury possessions in the …
Consumer collecting behaviour: A systematic review and future research agenda
Consumer interest in collecting is surging globally, with the behaviour prevalent as a hobby
and for investment. Additionally, collecting is technologically advancing and continues to …
and for investment. Additionally, collecting is technologically advancing and continues to …
Second-hand consumption as a lifestyle choice
A Steffen - International conference on consumer research (iccr), 2017 - ssoar.info
In the past 40 years there has been an increase in second-hand consumption among
consumers (Guiot and Roux 2010), since the 'shame and stigma associated with second …
consumers (Guiot and Roux 2010), since the 'shame and stigma associated with second …
Restructuring secondhand fashion from the consumption perspective
The previously used luxury fashion market uses various terms, such as vintage, secondhand
luxury, eco-fashion, retro, antique and ethical fashion. Researchers focusing on secondhand …
luxury, eco-fashion, retro, antique and ethical fashion. Researchers focusing on secondhand …
The role of nostalgia in retro sewing
This article explores the role of nostalgia as a motivation for retro sewing and the ways in
which nostalgia shapes the practices of retro sewing. Retro sewers circumvent typical …
which nostalgia shapes the practices of retro sewing. Retro sewers circumvent typical …
[HTML][HTML] Motivations to Collect: How Consumers Are Socialized to Build Product Collections
Most people have collected products at some point in their lives; however, little is known
about how people are socialized to collect. This mixed methods study recruited 213 …
about how people are socialized to collect. This mixed methods study recruited 213 …
[PDF][PDF] The experiences of repositioning products by toy collectors: A descriptive phenomenological study
GS Raguindin - International Journal of Business Marketing and …, 2019 - academia.edu
Companies resort to product repositioning to improve brand image. However, the
repositioning of items can result in negative reaction from consumers, particularly among …
repositioning of items can result in negative reaction from consumers, particularly among …
Presenting a retro appearance through sewing for oneself: Motivations and methods
CS Armstead - 2018 - search.proquest.com
Retro sewers, defined for the purposes of this study as women who sew vintage-inspired or
vintage-reproduction clothing for themselves for everyday use, are a group that has not …
vintage-reproduction clothing for themselves for everyday use, are a group that has not …
An investigation of pre-owned luxury brand consumption
Y Lu - 2023 - theses.gla.ac.uk
The explosive growth of markets for circulating pre-owned luxury brands increases the
complexity of luxury branding and the resales of pre-owned luxury items, thus necessitating …
complexity of luxury branding and the resales of pre-owned luxury items, thus necessitating …
Retro Müziğin Tüketiciler Üzerinde Marka Algısı Yaratmadaki Etkilerinin Nöropazarlama Çerçevesinde İncelenmesi
TE Soyaltın - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Nöropazarlama, deney yönteminin uygulanabilmesi sonucu pazarlama stratejilerinin
belirlenmesine, daha sağlıklı ve verimli pazarlama kararlarının alınmasına yardımcı …
belirlenmesine, daha sağlıklı ve verimli pazarlama kararlarının alınmasına yardımcı …