Mathematical modelling of unsteady solute dispersion in two-fluid (micropolar-Newtonian) blood flow with bulk reaction

AK Roy, OA Bég - International Communications in Heat and Mass …, 2021 - Elsevier
A mathematical model is developed for hemodynamic transport of a reactive diffusing
species eg, oxygen in a rigid artery under constant axial pressure gradient and undergoing …

Solute dispersion in non-Newtonian fluids flow through small blood vessels: A varying viscosity approach

SS Chauhan, A Tiwari - European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids, 2022 - Elsevier
Present work concerns the combined effect of Jeffrey fluid parameter and varying nature of
viscosity on the solute dispersion in non-Newtonian fluids flow through small blood vessels …

Transient solute dispersion in electro‐osmotic viscoplastic flow in a microchannel

AK Roy, S Debnath, OA Bég - ZAMM‐Journal of Applied …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The transport of a neutral solute in incompressible electro‐osmotic flow of Bingham plastic
non‐Newtonian liquid flowing through a microchannel is studied theoretically. The flow is …

Transport of a reactive solute in a pulsatile non-Newtonian liquid flowing through an annular pipe

S Debnath, AK Saha, BS Mazumder, AK Roy - Journal of Engineering …, 2019 - Springer
The impact of heterogeneous (kinetic reversible phase exchange and irreversible
absorption) chemical reactions along with a homogeneous first-order reaction is considered …

Tracer dispersion due to pulsatile casson fluid flow in a circular tube with chemical reaction modulated by externally applied electromagnetic fields

D Murugan, AK Roy, R Ponalagusamy… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Springer
The present article describes a detailed mathematical investigation of electro-magneto-
hydrodynamic dispersion in the pulsatile flow of a Casson viscoplastic fluid in a tube packed …

On transport of reactive solute in a pulsatile Casson fluid flow through an annulus

S Debnath, AK Saha, BS Mazumder… - International Journal of …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
This paper examines the effect of heterogeneous chemical reaction on the transport of a
solute in a Casson fluid flow through an annular pipe under a periodic pressure gradient …

Moment analysis of unsteady bi-component species (drug) transport with coupled chemical reaction in non-Newtonian blood flow

OA Bég, AK Roy - Chinese Journal of Physics, 2022 - Elsevier
Motivated by exploring the fluid dynamics of dual drug delivery systems in biomedicine, a
mathematical analysis of the bi-component species transport (convective-diffusion) in …

[PDF][PDF] Reactive solute transport in blood flow through a permeable capillary

S Debnath, AK Roy, OA Bég - Archives of Mechanics, 2022 -
The present analysis discusses the solute transport process in a steady 2D (axial and radial)
laminar flow of blood through a permeable, finite length capillary. Blood is treated as a …

Dispersion of reactive species in Casson fluid flow

S Debnath, AK Saha, BS Mazumder, AK Roy - Indian Journal of Pure and …, 2020 - Springer
The study investigates the effect of wall reaction on the species transport in a pulsatile flow
of Casson fluid through an annulus. The transport process is analyzed by means of the …

Transport of reactive species in oscillatory Couette-Poiseuille flows subject to homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions

S Debnath, K Ghoshal - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020 - Elsevier
The longitudinal dispersion and cross-sectional concentration distribution of chemical
species through an annular tube have been studied for oscillatory flows in the presence of …