Bifurcations in two-dimensional piecewise smooth maps-theory and applications in switching circuits

S Banerjee, P Ranjan, C Grebogi - IEEE Transactions on …, 2000 -
Recent investigations on the bifurcation behavior of power electronic DC-DC converters
have revealed that most of the observed bifurcations do not belong to generic classes such …

Hopf bifurcation and chaos from torus breakdown in a PWM voltage-controlled DC-DC boost converter

A El Aroudi, L Benadero, E Toribio… - IEEE Transactions on …, 1999 -
The behavior of a closed loop dc-dc boost converter is investigated when the pulse width
modulation (PWM) period is varied. The dynamics are analyzed both by using analytical …

Genetic algorithm (GA)–based delay feedback control of chaotic behavior in the voltage mode controlled direct current (DC) drive system

S Emiroglu, Y Uyaroglu - Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 2021 -
In this paper, the chaotic behavior and chaos control in a voltage mode controlled DC drive
system are investigated. The dynamical behavior of the system changing from the …

Two-dimensional bifurcation diagrams: Background pattern of fundamental DC–DC converters with pwm control

L Benadero, A El Aroudi, G Olivar… - International Journal of …, 2003 - World Scientific
One of the usual ways to build up mathematical models corresponding to a wide class of DC–
DC converters is by means of piecewise linear differential equations. These models belong …

Transition from periodicity to chaos in a PWM-controlled buck converter with ZAD strategy

F Angulo, E Fossas, G Olivar - International Journal of Bifurcation …, 2005 - World Scientific
The transition from periodicity to chaos in a DC-DC Buck power converter is studied in this
paper. The converter is controlled through a direct Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) in order to …

Study of complex dynamics of DC-DC buck converter

A Ghosh, S Banerjee - International Journal of Power …, 2017 -
Switched-mode power converter circuits are non-linear and time varying in nature. In this
work, non-linear dynamics for both voltage-and current-mode-controlled DC-DC buck …

Chaos stabilization with TDAS and FPIC in a buck converter controlled by lateral PWM and ZAD

F Angulo, JE Burgos, G Olivar - … Mediterranean Conference on …, 2007 -
In this paper the performance of TDAS (time-delay autosynchronization) and FPIC (fixed
point induced control) techniques, controlling chaos in the buck converter is analyzed. With …

[PDF][PDF] PID controller using rapid control prototy** techniques

OA Trujillo, N Toro-García, FE Hoyos - Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng, 2019 -
To analyze the performance of the PID controller in a buck type converter implemented in
real time. We begin by designing a continuous controller using the analytical method for …

Nonlinear and nonsmooth dynamics in a DC-DC Buck converter: two experimental set-ups

F Angulo, C Ocampo, G Olivar, R Ramos - Nonlinear Dynamics, 2006 - Springer
It is well known that many nonlinear phenomena such as bifurcations and chaotic behavior
occur in DC–DC converters mainly due to the switching action among all the different …

Bifurcations and chaos in converters. Discontinuous vector fieldsand singular Poincaré maps

G Olivar, E Fossas, C Batlle - Nonlinearity, 2000 -
Basic geometrical and topological features are described for discontinuous systems
modelling power converters. The global Poincaré map considered arises naturally from the …