[HTML][HTML] Willingness to take responsibility: Self-sacrifice versus sacrificing others in takeover decisions during autonomous driving

U Ju, S Kim - Heliyon, 2024‏ - cell.com
In Level-3 autonomous driving, drivers are required to take over in an emergency upon
receiving a request from an autonomous vehicle (AV). However, before the deadline for the …

Learn-able Evolution Convolutional Siamese Neural Network for Adaptive Driving Style Preference Prediction

F Koochaki, ZK Zheng, K Akash… - 2023 IEEE Intelligent …, 2023‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
We propose a framework for detecting user driving style preference with multimodal signals,
to adapt autonomous vehicle driving style to drivers' preferences in an automatic manner …

Move, Connect, Interact: Introducing a Design Space for Cross-Traffic Interaction

A Stampf, M Sasalovici, LM Meinhardt… - Proceedings of the …, 2024‏ - dl.acm.org
Rising diversity through novel forms of mobility and increasing connectivity through
intelligent systems and wireless connection is leading to a complex traffic environment …

Wellbeing in Future Mobility: Toward AV Policy Design to Increase Wellbeing through Interactions

S Mehrotra, Z Zahedi, T Misu… - 2023 IEEE 26th …, 2023‏ - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Recent advances in Automated vehicle (AV) tech-nology and micromobility devices promise
a transformational change in the future of mobility usage. These advances also pose …

Does prior experience influence trust in novel automation systems? A study on two mobility platforms

S Mehrotra, K Salubre, K Akash… - Proceedings of the …, 2023‏ - journals.sagepub.com
Rapid advances in shared mobility and vehicle automation have led to a monumental shift of
interest toward develo** automated systems. However, automation development has …

An Approach to Adapting Automated Vehicle Behaviour to Real-Time User Trust: A Driving Simulator Study

A Boyko - 2024‏ - essay.utwente.nl
With progressively advancing technological developments in automated driving, automated
vehicles (AVs) hold significant potential in improving traffic safety and efficiency. However …

Adaptive trust calibration

M Natarajan, K Akash, T Misu - US Patent 12,017,679, 2024‏ - Google Patents
An adaptive trust calibration based autonomous vehicle may include vehicle systems, a
system behavior controller, and a driving automation controller. The system behavior …