The minimum information about a proteomics experiment (MIAPE)
Both the generation and the analysis of proteomics data are now widespread, and high-
throughput approaches are commonplace. Protocols continue to increase in complexity as …
throughput approaches are commonplace. Protocols continue to increase in complexity as …
An overview of Ensembl
Ensembl (http://www. ensembl. org/) is a bioinformatics project to organize biological
information around the sequences of large genomes. It is a comprehensive source of stable …
information around the sequences of large genomes. It is a comprehensive source of stable …
The BioMart community portal: an innovative alternative to large, centralized data repositories
Abstract The BioMart Community Portal (www. biomart. org) is a community-driven effort to
provide a unified interface to biomedical databases that are distributed worldwide. The …
provide a unified interface to biomedical databases that are distributed worldwide. The …
Map** identifiers for the integration of genomic datasets with the R/Bioconductor package biomaRt
Genomic experiments produce multiple views of biological systems, among them are DNA
sequence and copy number variation, and mRNA and protein abundance. Understanding …
sequence and copy number variation, and mRNA and protein abundance. Understanding …
A genome-wide association study of shared risk across psychiatric disorders implicates gene regulation during fetal neurodevelopment
There is mounting evidence that seemingly diverse psychiatric disorders share genetic
etiology, but the biological substrates mediating this overlap are not well characterized. Here …
etiology, but the biological substrates mediating this overlap are not well characterized. Here …
Human microRNA targets
MicroRNAs (miRNAs) interact with target mRNAs at specific sites to induce cleavage of the
message or inhibit translation. The specific function of most mammalian miRNAs is …
message or inhibit translation. The specific function of most mammalian miRNAs is …
BioMart and Bioconductor: a powerful link between biological databases and microarray data analysis
biomaRt is a new Bioconductor package that integrates BioMart data resources with data
analysis software in Bioconductor. It can annotate a wide range of gene or gene product …
analysis software in Bioconductor. It can annotate a wide range of gene or gene product …
International Cancer Genome Consortium Data Portal—a one-stop shop for cancer genomics data
Abstract The International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) is a collaborative effort to
characterize genomic abnormalities in 50 different cancer types. To make this data …
characterize genomic abnormalities in 50 different cancer types. To make this data …
g: Profiler—a web-based toolset for functional profiling of gene lists from large-scale experiments
Abstract g: Profiler (http://biit. cs. ut. ee/gprofiler/) is a public web server for characterising
and manipulating gene lists resulting from mining high-throughput genomic data. g: Profiler …
and manipulating gene lists resulting from mining high-throughput genomic data. g: Profiler …
WebGestalt: an integrated system for exploring gene sets in various biological contexts
High-throughput technologies have led to the rapid generation of large-scale datasets about
genes and gene products. These technologies have also shifted our research focus from …
genes and gene products. These technologies have also shifted our research focus from …