AC optimal power flow in power systems with renewable energy integration: A review of formulations and case studies
The primary goal of a power system is to provide consumers with reliable access to power at
the most economical cost. Under the declining costs of renewable energy sources, the …
the most economical cost. Under the declining costs of renewable energy sources, the …
A P2P-dominant distribution system architecture
Peer-to-peer interactions between small-scale energy resources exploit distribution network
infrastructure as an electricity carrier, but remain financially unaccountable to electric power …
infrastructure as an electricity carrier, but remain financially unaccountable to electric power …
A DSO framework for market participation of DER aggregators in unbalanced distribution networks
This paper presents a distribution system operator (DSO) framework for wholesale and retail
market participation of distributed energy resources (DERs) aggregators. The DSO …
market participation of distributed energy resources (DERs) aggregators. The DSO …
An interactive two-stage retail electricity market for microgrids with peer-to-peer flexibility trading
C Huang, M Zhang, C Wang, N **-Zhou/publication/378782080_Addressing_Wind_Power_Forecast_Errors_in_Day-Ahead_Pricing_With_Energy_Storage_Systems_A_Distributionally_Robust_Joint_Chance-Constrained_Approach/links/668dfbcd3e0edb1e0fd96fee/Addressing-Wind-Power-Forecast-Errors-in-Day-Ahead-Pricing-With-Energy-Storage-Systems-A-Distributionally-Robust-Joint-Chance-Constrained-Approach.pdf" data-clk="hl=fa&sa=T&oi=gga&ct=gga&cd=5&d=16322287983374969917&ei=EQrGZ5WODrzPieoPp5HPuQo" data-clk-atid="PSyxEnFqhOIJ" target="_blank">[PDF] researchgate.net
Addressing wind power forecast errors in day-ahead pricing with energy storage systems: A distributionally robust joint chance-constrained approach
The rapid integration of renewable energy sources (RESs) has imposed substantial
uncertainty and variability on the operation of power markets, which calls for …
uncertainty and variability on the operation of power markets, which calls for …
Realizing the transactive energy future with local energy market: an overview
Purpose of Review A transactive energy (TE) future promises to allow a large number of
prosumers to be profit-seeking market participants. One way to realize this future is through …
prosumers to be profit-seeking market participants. One way to realize this future is through …
Bilevel optimal coordination of active distribution network and charging stations considering EV drivers' willingness
With the popularity of electric vehicles (EVs) in urban areas, the effective utilization of their
charging flexibility in active distribution networks (ADNs) has drawn wide attentions. This …
charging flexibility in active distribution networks (ADNs) has drawn wide attentions. This …
Risk-aware flexible resource utilization in an unbalanced three-phase distribution network using SDP-based distributionally robust optimal power flow
The variability caused by the proliferation of distributed energy resources (DERs) and the
significant growth in unbalanced three-phase loads pose unprecedented challenges to …
significant growth in unbalanced three-phase loads pose unprecedented challenges to …
Comparison of market designs ensuring network integrity in low voltage distribution systems with high DER penetration
This study delves into the interplay of residential electricity customers in low voltage
distribution systems (LVDS) with market designs that manage local grid constraints. Within …
distribution systems (LVDS) with market designs that manage local grid constraints. Within …