[HTML][HTML] Sleep spindles: mechanisms and functions
Sleep spindles are burstlike signals in the electroencephalogram (EEG) of the slee**
mammalian brain and electrical surface correlates of neuronal oscillations in thalamus. As …
mammalian brain and electrical surface correlates of neuronal oscillations in thalamus. As …
Melatonin as a hormone: new physiological and clinical insights
Melatonin is a ubiquitous molecule present in almost every live being from bacteria to
humans. In vertebrates, besides being produced in peripheral tissues and acting as an …
humans. In vertebrates, besides being produced in peripheral tissues and acting as an …
A review of sleep disorders and melatonin
Z **e, F Chen, WA Li, X Geng, C Li, X Meng… - Neurological …, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
Sleep disorders are a group of conditions that affect the ability to sleep well on a regular
basis and cause significant impairments in social and occupational functions. Although …
basis and cause significant impairments in social and occupational functions. Although …
Drugs for insomnia beyond benzodiazepines: pharmacology, clinical applications, and discovery
Abstract Although the GABAergic benzodiazepines (BZDs) and Z-drugs (zolpidem,
zopiclone, and zaleplon) are FDA-approved for insomnia disorders with a strong evidence …
zopiclone, and zaleplon) are FDA-approved for insomnia disorders with a strong evidence …
Update on melatonin receptors: IUPHAR Review 20
R Jockers, P Delagrange… - British journal of …, 2016 - Wiley Online Library
Melatonin receptors are seven transmembrane‐spanning proteins belonging to the GPCR
superfamily. In mammals, two melatonin receptor subtypes exist‐MT1 and MT2‐encoded by …
superfamily. In mammals, two melatonin receptor subtypes exist‐MT1 and MT2‐encoded by …
MT1 and MT2 Melatonin Receptors: A Therapeutic Perspective
J Liu, SJ Clough, AJ Hutchinson… - Annual review of …, 2016 - annualreviews.org
Melatonin, or 5-methoxy-N-acetyltryptamine, is synthesized and released by the pineal
gland and locally in the retina following a circadian rhythm, with low levels during the day …
gland and locally in the retina following a circadian rhythm, with low levels during the day …
Digital automation of transdermal drug delivery with high spatiotemporal resolution
Transdermal drug delivery is of vital importance for medical treatments. However, user
adherence to long-term repetitive drug delivery poses a grand challenge. Furthermore, the …
adherence to long-term repetitive drug delivery poses a grand challenge. Furthermore, the …
Melatonin receptors: distribution in mammalian brain and their respective putative functions
Melatonin, through its different receptors, has pleiotropic functions in mammalian brain.
Melatonin is secreted mainly by the pineal gland and exerts its effects via receptor-mediated …
Melatonin is secreted mainly by the pineal gland and exerts its effects via receptor-mediated …
Melatonin's neuroprotective role in mitochondria and its potential as a biomarker in aging, cognition and psychiatric disorders
LM Melhuish Beaupre, GM Brown… - Translational …, 2021 - nature.com
Melatonin is an ancient molecule that is evident in high concentrations in various tissues
throughout the body. It can be separated into two pools; one of which is synthesized by the …
throughout the body. It can be separated into two pools; one of which is synthesized by the …
Differential Function of Melatonin MT1 and MT2 Receptors in REM and NREM Sleep
The pathophysiological function of the G-protein coupled melatonin MT1 and MT2 receptors
has not yet been well-clarified. Recent advancements using selective MT1/MT2 receptor …
has not yet been well-clarified. Recent advancements using selective MT1/MT2 receptor …