A review of spectral indices for mangrove remote sensing
Mangrove ecosystems provide critical goods and ecosystem services to coastal
communities and contribute to climate change mitigation. Over four decades, remote …
communities and contribute to climate change mitigation. Over four decades, remote …
Indian Sundarbans mangrove forest considered endangered under Red List of Ecosystems, but there is cause for optimism
Accurately evaluating ecosystem status is vital for effective conservation. The Red List of
Ecosystems (RLE) from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the …
Ecosystems (RLE) from the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) is the …
Development of a comprehensive mangrove quality index (MQI) in Matang Mangrove: Assessing mangrove ecosystem health
Mangroves are multi-functional ecosystems providing resource provisions and various
ecosystem services, all of which are critical to the local livelihood and national economy …
ecosystem services, all of which are critical to the local livelihood and national economy …
Threatened ecosystems of Myanmar. An IUCN Red List of ecosystems assessment. Version 1.0.
[Excerpt:] Myanmar's Red List of Ecosystems is a tool to understand our threats and plan for
conservation and sustainable management. Forests constitute the dominant ecosystems in …
conservation and sustainable management. Forests constitute the dominant ecosystems in …
Perspectives: Predicting the effects of climate change on ancient woodlands when it interacts with pressures from surrounding land use/land cover
Predicting the impact of climate change on forests at management-relevant spatial and
temporal scales is a key challenge for forestry science. Making such predictions accurately …
temporal scales is a key challenge for forestry science. Making such predictions accurately …
Estimating changes and trends in ecosystem extent with dense time‐series satellite remote sensing
Quantifying trends in ecosystem extent is essential to understanding the status of
ecosystems. Estimates of ecosystem loss are widely used to track progress toward …
ecosystems. Estimates of ecosystem loss are widely used to track progress toward …
Integrating outcomes of IUCN red list of ecosystems assessments for connected coastal wetlands
Human-induced habitat clearing and pollution are leading drivers of biodiversity loss.
Ecosystem assessments are required to identify ecosystems at risk of collapse, but they …
Ecosystem assessments are required to identify ecosystems at risk of collapse, but they …
Assessing the conservation status of mangroves in Rakhine, Myanmar
Ecosystem degradation is a key challenge that human society faces, as ecosystems provide
services that are tied to human well‐being. Particularly, mangrove ecosystems provide …
services that are tied to human well‐being. Particularly, mangrove ecosystems provide …
Manglares y sus servicios ecosistémicos: hacia un desarrollo sostenible
M Carvajal Oses, Á Herrera-Ulloa, B Valdés-Rodríguez… - 2019 - repositorio.una.ac.cr
Los manglares se extienden a través de las zonas tropicales y sub tropicales del planeta, se
han adaptado a sobrevivir a condiciones ambientales adversas por lo tanto, han …
han adaptado a sobrevivir a condiciones ambientales adversas por lo tanto, han …
Assessing risk of collapse of Lake Burullus Ramsar site in Egypt using IUCN Red List of Ecosystems
Abstract The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems (RLE) assessment is a new powerful scheme that
identifies ecosystems that are at risk of collapse due to global environmental changes, which …
identifies ecosystems that are at risk of collapse due to global environmental changes, which …