Structural adjustment and health: a conceptual framework and evidence on pathways
AE Kentikelenis - Social Science & Medicine, 2017 - Elsevier
Economic reform programs designed by the International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank—so-called 'structural adjustment programs'—have formed one of the most influential …
Bank—so-called 'structural adjustment programs'—have formed one of the most influential …
[CARTE][B] The unequal pandemic: COVID-19 and health inequalities
EPDF and EPUB available Open Access under CC-BY-NC-ND It has been claimed that we
are 'all in it together'and that the COVID-19 virus 'does not discriminate'. This accessible, yet …
are 'all in it together'and that the COVID-19 virus 'does not discriminate'. This accessible, yet …
Greece's health crisis: from austerity to denialism
Greece's economic crisis has deepened since it was bailed out by the international
community in 2010. The country underwent the sixth consecutive year of economic …
community in 2010. The country underwent the sixth consecutive year of economic …
[HTML][HTML] Globalization and health equity: The impact of structural adjustment programs on develo** countries
Among the many drivers of health inequities, this article focuses on important, yet
insufficiently understood, international-level determinants: economic globalization and the …
insufficiently understood, international-level determinants: economic globalization and the …
[HTML][HTML] Scaling up: the politics of health and place
Research into the role of place in sha** inequalities in health has focused largely on
examining individual and/or localised drivers, often using a context-composition framing …
examining individual and/or localised drivers, often using a context-composition framing …
Levelling up: Global examples of reducing health inequalities
C Bambra - Scandinavian journal of public health, 2022 -
There are significant inequalities in health by socio-economic status, race/ethnicity, gender,
neighbourhood deprivation and other axes of social inequality. Reducing these health …
neighbourhood deprivation and other axes of social inequality. Reducing these health …
The evolving pattern of avoidable mortality in Russia
Background Life expectancy at birth in Russia is over 12 years less than in western Europe.
This study explores the possible role of medical care in explaining this gap by examining the …
This study explores the possible role of medical care in explaining this gap by examining the …
The contribution of medical care to changing life expectancy in Germany and Poland
This paper assesses the impact of medical care on changes in mortality in east Germany
and Poland before and after the political transition, with west Germany included for …
and Poland before and after the political transition, with west Germany included for …
Extreme selection in humans against homeotic transformations of cervical vertebrae
Why do all mammals, except for sloths and manatees, have exactly seven cervical
vertebrae? In other vertebrates and other regions, the vertebral number varies considerably …
vertebrae? In other vertebrates and other regions, the vertebral number varies considerably …
Changing mortality patterns in East and West Germany and Poland. II: Short-term trends during transition and in the 1990s
OBJECTIVES To examine trends in life expectancy at birth and age and cause specific
patterns of mortality in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) and Poland during …
patterns of mortality in the former German Democratic Republic (GDR) and Poland during …