[PDF][PDF] Modernisation of DC-DC converter topologies for solar energy harvesting applications: A review
Solar photovoltaic (PV) power generation has grown in popularity as a renewable energy
source due to the numerous advantages it provides. These advantages include the ease …
source due to the numerous advantages it provides. These advantages include the ease …
Analysis and enhancement of MPPT technique to increase accuracy and speed in photovoltaic systems under different conditions
There has been tremendous growth in the use of renewable energy sources (RES) over the
last few years. Solar systems, because of their unique properties, such as being noiseless …
last few years. Solar systems, because of their unique properties, such as being noiseless …
Twin-Delayed Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient Algorithm to Control a Boost Converter in a DC Microgrid
RF Muktiadji, MAM Ramli, AH Milyani - Electronics, 2024 - mdpi.com
A stable output voltage of a boost converter is vital for the appropriate functioning of
connected devices and loads in a DC microgrid. Variations in load demands and source …
connected devices and loads in a DC microgrid. Variations in load demands and source …
The effectiveness of a hybrid MPPT controller based on an artificial neural network and fuzzy logic in low-light conditions
Technological advancement and economic progress have made power consumption a big
issue. Concern is growing as traditional energy sources dwindle. In the future, numerous …
issue. Concern is growing as traditional energy sources dwindle. In the future, numerous …
A high degree of direct torque control applied to a grid-connected wind energy system based on a DFIG
This paper presents the performances improvement of a doubly fed induction generator
(DFIG) driven by a wind turbine (WT) using direct torque control (DTC). However, the major …
(DFIG) driven by a wind turbine (WT) using direct torque control (DTC). However, the major …
Robotic dry cleaner for photovoltaic solar panels: an implemented design that evaluated in iraq's weather
Arabian desert areas are suffered from high mitigation in the produced photovoltaic (PV)
power due to high dusty weather. This article presents a robotic cleaner that will significantly …
power due to high dusty weather. This article presents a robotic cleaner that will significantly …
A novel hybrid maximum power point tracking controller based on artificial intelligence for solar photovoltaic system under variable environmental conditions
Solar Photo-voltaic (PV) arrays have non-linear characteristics with distinctive maximum
power point (MPP) which relies on ecological conditions such as solar radiation and …
power point (MPP) which relies on ecological conditions such as solar radiation and …
[PDF][PDF] Eco-design of portable solar-powered telescopic lamp for off-grid areas in Indonesia
This study describes the development of eco-design of portable solarpowered telescopic
lamp for off-grid area in Indonesia. Several design requirements for the lamp, namely …
lamp for off-grid area in Indonesia. Several design requirements for the lamp, namely …
Variable determined for optimization of alternating energy on the load by the adaptive taguchi method
E Can - Journal of Engineering Research, 2022 - kuwaitjournals.org
It is important to find the optimum point in terms of energy quality in the studies for electrical
energy conversions with the converter and inverter circuits. In such studies, it has been tried …
energy conversions with the converter and inverter circuits. In such studies, it has been tried …
[PDF][PDF] Design methodology of smart photovoltaic plant.
B Fatima, C Mama, B Benaissa - International Journal of Electrical & …, 2021 - academia.edu
In this article, we present a new methodology to design an intelligent photovoltaic power
plant connected to an electrical grid with storage to supply the laying hen rearing centers …
plant connected to an electrical grid with storage to supply the laying hen rearing centers …