Filtered OFDM for underwater wireless optical communication
Underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) has been a promising high data rate
communication system. The performance of UOWC has numerous constraints in terms of …
communication system. The performance of UOWC has numerous constraints in terms of …
Hybrid MMW-over fiber/OFDM-FSO transmission system based on doublet lens scheme and POLMUX technique
A hybrid 60-GHz millimeter wave (MMW) over fiber as well as 500-m/10 Gbps OFDM based
free space optical transmission system using doublet lens scheme and POLMUX technique …
free space optical transmission system using doublet lens scheme and POLMUX technique …
Generation of 40 GHz/80 GHz OFDM based MMW source and the OFDM-FSO transport system based on special fine tracking technology
We have experimentally proposed and demonstrated a hybrid OFDM based optical MMW
source and OFDM-FSO transport system employing special fine tracking technology. In this …
source and OFDM-FSO transport system employing special fine tracking technology. In this …
Performance analysis of symmetrical and bidirectional 40 Gbps TWDM-PON employing m-QAM-OFDM modulation with multi-color LDs based VLC system
In this work, a full-duplex time and wavelength division multiplexing-passive optical network
(TWDM-PON) system is analysed. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with …
(TWDM-PON) system is analysed. Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with …
Bidirectional OFDM-MMWOF transport system based on mixed QAM modulation format using dual mode colorless laser diode and RSOA for next generation 5-G …
A hybrid bidirectional orthogonal frequency division multiplexing–millimeter wave over fiber
(OFDM-MMWOF) transport system based on mixed quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) …
(OFDM-MMWOF) transport system based on mixed quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) …
Performance analysis of a full-duplex TWDM-PON using OFDM modulation with red LED visible light communication system
Today's access networks are in high demand to fulfill the high bandwidth requirement
because of extensive improvement in high transmission rate applications for cloud …
because of extensive improvement in high transmission rate applications for cloud …
Development and investigation of 5G fiber-wireless access network based hybrid 16× 10 Gbps 2048 split TWDM/DWDM super PON for IoT applications
M Kumari - Optical and Quantum Electronics, 2022 - Springer
Super-passive optical network (Super-PON) is considered as choice for the operators to
scale the transmission speed, reach, to build new infrastructure and customer aggregation of …
scale the transmission speed, reach, to build new infrastructure and customer aggregation of …
All-Optical digital to analog converter using Tera Hertz Optical Asymmetric Demultiplexer based on quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier
The paper describes design and analysis of Tera Hertz Optical Asymmetric Demultiplexer
(TOAD) switch using quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QDSOA) and all-optical …
(TOAD) switch using quantum dot semiconductor optical amplifier (QDSOA) and all-optical …
[HTML][HTML] A 40-Gbps fiber-FSO convergent transmission system employing OFCL-based WDM and external modulation technique
We have proposed and demonstrated a 40Gbps fiber-free space optics (FSO) convergent
system based on external modulation and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) …
system based on external modulation and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) …
An alternative approach for binary to decimal conversion of frequency encoded optical data using MZI-SOA switch
The conversion of binary data to its equivalent decimal counterpart and the vice-versa is
very essential and necessary for all optical/electrical computing and data processing …
very essential and necessary for all optical/electrical computing and data processing …