Ultrasound imaging and muscle function

JL Whittaker, M Stokes - Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy, 2011 - jospt.org
There is a growing trend in the physical therapy profession to use conventional grayscale
brightness (B-mode) ultrasound imaging (USI) as a tool to assess the morphological (form …

Sports hernias: a systematic literature review

P Caudill, J Nyland, C Smith, J Yerasimides… - British journal of sports …, 2008 - bjsm.bmj.com
This review summarises the existing knowledge about pathogenesis, differential diagnosis,
conservative treatment, surgery and post-surgical rehabilitation of sports hernias. Sports …

Imaging with ultrasound in physical therapy: What is the PT's scope of practice? A competency-based educational model and training recommendations

JL Whittaker, R Ellis, PW Hodges… - British Journal of …, 2019 - bjsm.bmj.com
Physical therapists employ ultrasound (US) imaging technology for a broad range of clinical
and research purposes. Despite this, few physical therapy regulatory bodies guide the use …

Protocol and reference values for minimal detectable change of MyotonPRO and ultrasound imaging measurements of muscle and subcutaneous tissue

PE Muckelt, MB Warner, T Cheliotis-James… - Scientific Reports, 2022 - nature.com
The assessment of muscle health is of paramount importance, as the loss of muscle mass
and strength can affect performance. Two non-invasive tools that have been found to be …

The relationships between inter-recti distance measured by ultrasound imaging and abdominal muscle function in postpartum women: a 6-month follow-up study

LJ Liaw, MJ Hsu, CF Liao, MF Liu, AT Hsu - Journal of Orthopaedic & …, 2011 - jospt.org
Study Design A prospective longitudinal study. Background Diastasis recti abdominis (DRA)
is defined as an increase in the inter-recti distance (IRD), or width of the linea alba. It is a …

Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging of the abdominal muscles

DS Teyhen, NW Gill, JL Whittaker, SM Henry… - Journal of orthopaedic & …, 2007 - jospt.org
Rehabilitative ultrasound imaging (RUSI) of the abdominal muscles is increasingly being
used in the management of conditions involving musculoskeletal dysfunctions associated …

Validation of a freehand 3D ultrasound system for morphological measures of the medial gastrocnemius muscle

L Barber, R Barrett, G Lichtwark - Journal of biomechanics, 2009 - Elsevier
Muscle volume and length are important parameters for examining the force-generating
capabilities of muscle and their evaluation is necessary in studies that investigate muscle …

Ultrasound estimates of muscle quality in older adults: reliability and comparison of Photoshop and ImageJ for the grayscale analysis of muscle echogenicity

MO Harris-Love, BA Seamon, C Teixeira, C Ismail - PeerJ, 2016 - peerj.com
Background. Quantitative diagnostic ultrasound imaging has been proposed as a method of
estimating muscle quality using measures of echogenicity. The Rectangular Marquee Tool …

Respiratory and peripheral muscular ultrasound characteristics in ICU COVID 19 ARDS patients

P Formenti, M Umbrello, V Castagna, S Cenci… - Journal of critical …, 2022 - Elsevier
Purpose Severe cases of coronavirus disease 2019 develop ARDS requiring admission to
the ICU. This study aimed to investigate the ultrasound characteristics of respiratory and …

The accuracy of diagnostic ultrasound imaging for musculoskeletal soft tissue pathology of the extremities: a comprehensive review of the literature

REA Henderson, BF Walker, KJ Young - Chiropractic & manual therapies, 2015 - Springer
Musculoskeletal diagnostic ultrasound imaging (MSK-DUSI) has been growing outside the
traditional radiology speciality. Increased use of this technology has been reported in …