UN peacekee** at 75: achievements, challenges, and prospects
This year marks the 75th anniversary of what the UN itself understands to be its first
peacekee** operation. It is therefore an appropriate time to reflect on the track record of …
peacekee** operation. It is therefore an appropriate time to reflect on the track record of …
[PDF][PDF] Theorizing decision-making in international bureaucracies: UN peacekee** operations and responses to norm violations
Many international organizations (IOs) provide assistance to governments through country
offices or peacekee** operations. Sometimes, government authorities in countries …
offices or peacekee** operations. Sometimes, government authorities in countries …
Whose rules? Whose power? The Global South and the possibility to shape international peacekee** norms through leadership appointments
International organisations reflect global power configurations and as such, are deemed to
reproduce global inequalities. Nevertheless, they also represent opportunities for the Global …
reproduce global inequalities. Nevertheless, they also represent opportunities for the Global …
«Общие интересы» в миротворческих операциях ООН в Африке: прикладной анализ кадрового состава
В статье проводится анализ кадрового состава миротворческой деятельности ООН в
контексте формирующихся блоков «коллективный Запад» и «коллективный не-Запад» …
контексте формирующихся блоков «коллективный Запад» и «коллективный не-Запад» …
Sticking it out: Instability, regime type, and personnel withdrawals from UN peacekee** operations
What explains UN member-state personnel withdrawals from peacekee** operations?
Withdrawals can occur at the behest of contributor states, as contributions are voluntary. We …
Withdrawals can occur at the behest of contributor states, as contributions are voluntary. We …
Research findings on the evolution of peacekee**
Peacekee** has evolved both in its focus and in setting increasingly ambitious goals. In
effect, the referent object of peacekee**—what and whose peace is to be kept—has …
effect, the referent object of peacekee**—what and whose peace is to be kept—has …
[PDF][PDF] Looking into the History of Recent Police Reforms in the USA: Critical Insights, Learning and Implications Melihat Sejarah Reformasi Polisi Terbaru di USA …
The police force in the United States of America (USA) has been controversial for their
execution of force and actions. This paper reviews the historical account of police reforms in …
execution of force and actions. This paper reviews the historical account of police reforms in …
United Nations peace operations and International Relations theory: An introduction
Introduction resources that member states, international organisations, and civil society
actors have invested in peacekee**. This volume analyses UN peacekee** as an …
actors have invested in peacekee**. This volume analyses UN peacekee** as an …
Public information and strategic communications in peace operations
Public information and strategic communications play a crucial role in contemporary peace
operations. Information specialists explain the mission's mandate, manage expectations …
operations. Information specialists explain the mission's mandate, manage expectations …
Leadership Agency in UN Peace Operations
There is a growing interest in the role of individual mission leaders in UN peace operations
in peacekee** studies. However, the concept of 'agency'has remained latent in much of …
in peacekee** studies. However, the concept of 'agency'has remained latent in much of …