Three-nucleon forces: Implementation and applications to atomic nuclei and dense matter

K Hebeler - Physics Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent advances in nuclear structure theory have significantly enlarged the accessible part
of the nuclear landscape via ab initio many-body calculations. These developments open …

High-precision nuclear forces from chiral eft: State-of-the-art, challenges, and outlook

E Epelbaum, H Krebs, P Reinert - Frontiers in Physics, 2020 -
We review a new generation of nuclear forces derived in chiral effective field theory using
the recently proposed semilocal regularization method. We outline the conceptual …

Semilocal momentum-space regularized chiral two-nucleon potentials up to fifth order

P Reinert, H Krebs, E Epelbaum - The European Physical Journal A, 2018 - Springer
We introduce new semilocal two-nucleon potentials up to fifth order in the chiral expansion.
We employ a simple regularization approach for the pion exchange contributions which i) …

Hyperon–nucleon interaction within chiral effective field theory revisited

J Haidenbauer, UG Meißner, A Nogga - The European Physical Journal A, 2020 - Springer
Abstract The\varLambda N Λ N and\varSigma N Σ N interactions are considered at next-to-
leading order in SU (3) chiral effective field theory. Different options for the low-energy …

Towards an ab initio covariant density functional theory for nuclear structure

S Shen, H Liang, WH Long, J Meng, P Ring - Progress in Particle and …, 2019 - Elsevier
Nuclear structure models built from phenomenological mean fields, the effective nucleon–
nucleon interactions (or Lagrangians), and the realistic bare nucleon–nucleon interactions …

Exploring Bayesian parameter estimation for chiral effective field theory using nucleon–nucleon phase shifts

S Wesolowski, RJ Furnstahl… - Journal of Physics G …, 2019 -
We recently developed a Bayesian framework for parameter estimation in general effective
field theories. Here we present selected results from using that framework to estimate …

Towards grounding nuclear physics in QCD

C Drischler, W Haxton, K McElvain, E Mereghetti… - Progress in Particle and …, 2021 - Elsevier
Exascale computing could soon enable a predictive theory of nuclear structure and
reactions rooted in the Standard Model, with quantifiable and systematically improvable …

Equation of state of dense nuclear matter and neutron star structure from nuclear chiral interactions

I Bombaci, D Logoteta - Astronomy & Astrophysics, 2018 -
Aims. We report a new microscopic equation of state (EOS) of dense symmetric nuclear
matter, pure neutron matter, and asymmetric and β-stable nuclear matter at zero temperature …

Nuclear properties with semilocal momentum-space regularized chiral interactions beyond

LENPIC Collaboration, P Maris, R Roth, E Epelbaum… - Physical Review C, 2022 - APS
We present a comprehensive investigation of few-nucleon systems as well as light and
medium-mass nuclei up to A= 48 using the current Low Energy Nuclear Physics …

Hyperon–nucleon interaction in chiral effective field theory at next-to-next-to-leading order

J Haidenbauer, UG Meißner, A Nogga, H Le - The European Physical …, 2023 - Springer
A hyperon–nucleon potential for the strangeness S=-1 sector (Λ N, Σ N) up to third order in
the chiral expansion is presented. SU (3) flavor symmetry is imposed for constructing the …