Three-nucleon forces: Implementation and applications to atomic nuclei and dense matter
K Hebeler - Physics Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
Recent advances in nuclear structure theory have significantly enlarged the accessible part
of the nuclear landscape via ab initio many-body calculations. These developments open …
of the nuclear landscape via ab initio many-body calculations. These developments open …
High-precision nuclear forces from chiral eft: State-of-the-art, challenges, and outlook
E Epelbaum, H Krebs, P Reinert - Frontiers in Physics, 2020 - frontiersin.org
We review a new generation of nuclear forces derived in chiral effective field theory using
the recently proposed semilocal regularization method. We outline the conceptual …
the recently proposed semilocal regularization method. We outline the conceptual …
Semilocal momentum-space regularized chiral two-nucleon potentials up to fifth order
P Reinert, H Krebs, E Epelbaum - The European Physical Journal A, 2018 - Springer
We introduce new semilocal two-nucleon potentials up to fifth order in the chiral expansion.
We employ a simple regularization approach for the pion exchange contributions which i) …
We employ a simple regularization approach for the pion exchange contributions which i) …
Hyperon–nucleon interaction within chiral effective field theory revisited
J Haidenbauer, UG Meißner, A Nogga - The European Physical Journal A, 2020 - Springer
Abstract The\varLambda N Λ N and\varSigma N Σ N interactions are considered at next-to-
leading order in SU (3) chiral effective field theory. Different options for the low-energy …
leading order in SU (3) chiral effective field theory. Different options for the low-energy …
Towards an ab initio covariant density functional theory for nuclear structure
Nuclear structure models built from phenomenological mean fields, the effective nucleon–
nucleon interactions (or Lagrangians), and the realistic bare nucleon–nucleon interactions …
nucleon interactions (or Lagrangians), and the realistic bare nucleon–nucleon interactions …
Exploring Bayesian parameter estimation for chiral effective field theory using nucleon–nucleon phase shifts
S Wesolowski, RJ Furnstahl… - Journal of Physics G …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
We recently developed a Bayesian framework for parameter estimation in general effective
field theories. Here we present selected results from using that framework to estimate …
field theories. Here we present selected results from using that framework to estimate …
Towards grounding nuclear physics in QCD
Exascale computing could soon enable a predictive theory of nuclear structure and
reactions rooted in the Standard Model, with quantifiable and systematically improvable …
reactions rooted in the Standard Model, with quantifiable and systematically improvable …
Equation of state of dense nuclear matter and neutron star structure from nuclear chiral interactions
Aims. We report a new microscopic equation of state (EOS) of dense symmetric nuclear
matter, pure neutron matter, and asymmetric and β-stable nuclear matter at zero temperature …
matter, pure neutron matter, and asymmetric and β-stable nuclear matter at zero temperature …
Nuclear properties with semilocal momentum-space regularized chiral interactions beyond
LENPIC Collaboration, P Maris, R Roth, E Epelbaum… - Physical Review C, 2022 - APS
We present a comprehensive investigation of few-nucleon systems as well as light and
medium-mass nuclei up to A= 48 using the current Low Energy Nuclear Physics …
medium-mass nuclei up to A= 48 using the current Low Energy Nuclear Physics …
Hyperon–nucleon interaction in chiral effective field theory at next-to-next-to-leading order
J Haidenbauer, UG Meißner, A Nogga, H Le - The European Physical …, 2023 - Springer
A hyperon–nucleon potential for the strangeness S=-1 sector (Λ N, Σ N) up to third order in
the chiral expansion is presented. SU (3) flavor symmetry is imposed for constructing the …
the chiral expansion is presented. SU (3) flavor symmetry is imposed for constructing the …