Systematics, biogeography, and diversification of Scytalopus tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae), an enigmatic radiation of Neotropical montane birds
We studied the phylogeny, biogeography, and diversification of suboscine passerines in the
genus Scytalopus (Rhinocryptidae), a widespread, species-rich, and taxonomically …
genus Scytalopus (Rhinocryptidae), a widespread, species-rich, and taxonomically …
[HTML][HTML] Uniform manifold approximation and projection for clustering taxa through vocalizations in a neotropical passerine (rough-legged tyrannulet, Phyllomyias …
RM Parra-Hernández, JI Posada-Quintero… - Animals, 2020 -
Simple Summary Recognizing the different species can help us better understand the
nature. One way to differentiate bird species is the bird song. There are mathematical …
nature. One way to differentiate bird species is the bird song. There are mathematical …
Untangling cryptic diversity in the High Andes: Revision of the Scytalopus [magellanicus] complex (Rhinocryptidae) in Peru reveals three new species
NK Krabbe, TS Schulenberg, PA Hosner… - The Auk, 2020 -
Tropical mountains feature marked species turnover along elevational gradients and across
complex topography, resulting in great concentrations of avian biodiversity. In these …
complex topography, resulting in great concentrations of avian biodiversity. In these …
Taxonomic evaluation of the Grallaria rufula (Rufous Antpitta) complex (Aves: Passeriformes: Grallariidae) distinguishes sixteen species.
Populations in the Rufous Antpitta (Grallaria rufula) complex occupy humid montane forests
of the Andes from northern Colombia and adjacent Venezuela to central Bolivia. Their tawny …
of the Andes from northern Colombia and adjacent Venezuela to central Bolivia. Their tawny …
[HTML][HTML] Avifauna local: una herramienta para la conservación, el ecoturismo y la educación ambiental
O Perdomo, P Salazar-Báez - Ciencia en Desarrollo, 2018 -
El registro fotográfico de especies animales en su ambiente ha sido ampliamente utilizado
por los investigadores para su identificación y estudio. Con el propósito de explorar la …
por los investigadores para su identificación y estudio. Con el propósito de explorar la …
[HTML][HTML] Evolución del riesgo de extinción y estado actual de conservación de las aves de Colombia
LM Renjifo, ÁM Amaya-Villarreal - Revista de la Academia …, 2017 -
La evaluación periódica del riesgo de extinción de las especies es indispensable para
monitorear el progreso o retroceso de su estado de conservación. Se analiza aquí la …
monitorear el progreso o retroceso de su estado de conservación. Se analiza aquí la …
Origin of elevational replacements in a clade of nearly flightless birds: most diversity in tropical mountains accumulates via secondary contact following allopatric …
Tropical mountains are biodiversity hotspots. In particular, mountains in the Neotropics
exhibit remarkable beta diversity reflecting species turnover along elevational gradients …
exhibit remarkable beta diversity reflecting species turnover along elevational gradients …
[PDF][PDF] Listado de las aves Endémicas y Casi-Endémicas de Colombia: Evaluación 2013-2023.
S Chaparro-Herrera, M Lozano… - Ornitología …, 2024 -
Diez años después de la última lista de especies Endémicas y Casi-Endémicas en
Colombia, y tras las nuevas descripciones de especies, rearreglos taxonómicos y nuevos …
Colombia, y tras las nuevas descripciones de especies, rearreglos taxonómicos y nuevos …
Seventeen new dragonfly records from Colombia and the confirmation of the synonymy of Philogenia monotis and P. tinalandia (Insecta: Odonata)
CA Bota-Sierra, A Corso, O Janni… - International Journal …, 2018 - Taylor & Francis
During 2.5 months of intensive fieldwork in Colombia (departments of Cauca, Nariño, and
Putumayo, South America) from January to March 2017, we visited 13 localities and …
Putumayo, South America) from January to March 2017, we visited 13 localities and …
A new species of tapaculo (Rhinocryptidae: Scytalopus) from the Western Andes of Colombia
FG Stiles, O Laverde-R… - The Auk: Ornithological …, 2017 -
We describe Scytalopus alvarezlopezi from the Western Andes of Colombia. The new
species forms part of a distinctive clade of Scytalopus tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae) that also …
species forms part of a distinctive clade of Scytalopus tapaculos (Rhinocryptidae) that also …