Interplay between optical vortices and condensed matter

GF Quinteiro Rosen, PI Tamborenea, T Kuhn - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2022 - APS
Interest in the multiple facets of optical vortices has flourished in the last three decades. This
review examines the basic research and applications of the interplay between optical …

Quantum vortex formation in the “rotating bucket” experiment with polariton condensates

I Gnusov, S Harrison, S Alyatkin, K Sitnik, J Töpfer… - Science …, 2023 -
The appearance of quantized vortices in the classical “rotating bucket” experiments of liquid
helium and ultracold dilute gases provides the means for fundamental and comparative …

Microcavity Exciton‐Polariton Quantum Spin Fluids

HB Yang, NY Kim - Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Microcavity exciton‐polaritons are attractive quantum quasi‐particles resulting from strong
light–matter coupling in a quantum‐well‐cavity structure. They have become one of the most …

Direct measurement of polariton–polariton interaction strength

Y Sun, Y Yoon, M Steger, G Liu, LN Pfeiffer, K West… - Nature Physics, 2017 -
Exciton–polaritons in a microcavity are composite two-dimensional bosonic quasiparticles,
arising from the strong coupling between confined light modes in a resonant planar optical …

Direct measurement of polariton-polariton interaction strength in the Thomas-Fermi regime of exciton-polariton condensation

E Estrecho, T Gao, N Bobrovska, D Comber-Todd… - Physical Review B, 2019 - APS
Bosonic condensates of exciton polaritons (light-matter quasiparticles in a semiconductor)
provide a solid-state platform for studies of nonequilibrium quantum systems with a …

Half-quantum vortices in an antiferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate

SW Seo, S Kang, WJ Kwon, Y Shin - Physical Review Letters, 2015 - APS
We report on the observation of half-quantum vortices (HQVs) in the easy-plane polar phase
of an antiferromagnetic spinor Bose-Einstein condensate. Using in situ magnetization …

Optically driven rotation of exciton–polariton condensates

Y del Valle-Inclan Redondo, C Schneider, S Klembt… - Nano Letters, 2023 - ACS Publications
The rotational response of quantum condensed fluids is strikingly distinct from rotating
classical fluids, especially notable for the excitation and ordering of quantized vortex …

Qubit analog with polariton superfluid in an annular trap

J Barrat, AF Tzortzakakis, M Niu, X Zhou… - Science …, 2024 -
We report on the experimental realization and characterization of a qubit analog with
semiconductor exciton-polaritons. In our system, a polaritonic condensate is confined by a …

Split-ring polariton condensates as macroscopic two-level quantum systems

Y Xue, I Chestnov, E Sedov, E Kiktenko… - Physical Review …, 2021 - APS
Superposition states of circular currents of exciton-polaritons mimic the superconducting flux
qubits. The phase of a polariton fluid must change by an integer number of 2 π when going …

Twist of generalized skyrmions and spin vortices in a polariton superfluid

S Donati, L Dominici, G Dagvadorj, D Ballarini… - Proceedings of the …, 2016 -
We study the spin vortices and skyrmions coherently imprinted into an exciton–polariton
condensate on a planar semiconductor microcavity. We demonstrate that the presence of a …