Analyzing the associations between motivation and academic performance via the mediator variables of specific mathematic cognitive learning strategies in different …

S Wild, C Neef - International Journal of STEM Education, 2023 - Springer
Background There are different teaching methods and learning content in the academic field
of mathematics between school and university. Many students fail in their studies when the …

The role of learning strategies for performance in mathematics courses for engineers

M Liebendörfer, R Göller, L Gildehaus… - … Education in Science …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
We analyse the predictive power of learning strategies for engineering students'
performance in mathematics. Learning strategies play an important role in self-regulated …

University students' fully digital study of mathematics: an identification of student-groups via their resources usage and a characterization by personal and affective …

L Kempen, M Liebendörfer - … : An International Journal of the IMA, 2021 -
We investigated university students' study of mathematics in the digital setting context of the
COVID-19 pandemic. We gathered data from a survey of 89 students enrolled in a 'Linear …

“I'ma bit out of place here.”—Preservice teachers' positioning in the figured world of university mathematics

L Gildehaus, M Liebendörfer… - Educational Studies in …, 2024 - Springer
Preservice mathematics teachers are sometimes trained in programs so that they have both
their own courses and joint courses with mathematics majors from the beginning of their …

Exploring the perceived relevance of university mathematics studies by first-semester teaching students

C Büdenbender-Kuklinski, R Hochmuth… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
As earlier research results suggest that many mathematics teaching students criticize a
missing relevance in their studies, we explore explanations and interrelationships of their …

On-campus vs distance tutorials in preparatory courses for mathematics student teachers–performance gains and influencing factors

K Kirsten, G Greefrath - International Journal of Research in …, 2024 - Springer
Due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, new instructional designs for mathematics courses
have recently been developed. Unlike traditional e-learning courses, distance learning via …

Mathematikspezifische Motivation im Lehramtsstudium–Operationalisierung und Bedeutung für Studienprozesse

L Gildehaus, S Rach, M Liebendörfer - Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik, 2024 - Springer
Viele Mathematiklehramtsstudierende berichten im ersten Studienjahr von
Motivationsproblemen, die wahrscheinlich mit ungünstigen Studienprozessen einhergehen …

[PDF][PDF] Using an intelligent tutoring system within a task-based learning approach in English as a foreign language classes to foster motivation and learning outcome …

C Parrisius, I Pieronczyk, C Blume, K Wendebourg… - 2022 -
In second language learning, frequent individual feedback is essential to help learners to
develop an accurate and fluent use of the language (Nassaji & Kartchava, 2017). However …

Which knowledge is required in exams on analysis 1 courses at German universities?

T Kolbe, M Liebendörfer - … : An International Journal of the IMA, 2024 -
The purpose of this study is to describe the knowledge that is required in exams on Analysis
1 courses at German universities. To do so, we use the distinction between procedural and …

Learning Strategies in Mathematics for Related Study Programs Focusing on Cooperative Education in Germany–Viewed from the Perspectives of the Academic …

S Wild, C Neef - International Journal of Science and Mathematics …, 2024 - Springer
Cognitive learning strategies are seen as a central element for successful learning.
Acquiring knowledge about its worth, can support persons in sophisticated groups in …