Ensuring planetary survival: the centrality of organic carbon in balancing the multifunctional nature of soils
Not only do soils provide 98.7% of the calories consumed by humans, they also provide
numerous other functions upon which planetary survivability closely depends. However, our …
numerous other functions upon which planetary survivability closely depends. However, our …
Broaden research on ocean alkalinity enhancement to better characterize social impacts
Ocean alkalinity enhancement (OAE) is being considered as a way of achieving large-scale
removals of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Research on the risks and benefits of …
removals of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Research on the risks and benefits of …
Who is paying for carbon dioxide removal? Designing policy instruments for mobilizing negative emissions technologies
Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) poses a significant and complex public policy challenge in
the long-term. Presently treated as a marginal aspect of climate policy, addressing CDR as a …
the long-term. Presently treated as a marginal aspect of climate policy, addressing CDR as a …
Public perceptions of geoengineering
In the face of unrelenting climate change and insufficient mitigation, experts are increasingly
considering using geoengineering—carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation …
considering using geoengineering—carbon dioxide removal and solar radiation …
Advancements and Challenges in Adsorption‐Based Carbon Capture Technology: From Fundamentals to Deployment
Carbon dioxide (CO2) adsorption on solid sorbents represents a promising technology for
separating carbon from different sources and mitigating anthropogenic emissions. The …
separating carbon from different sources and mitigating anthropogenic emissions. The …
Opinion: A research roadmap for exploring atmospheric methane removal via iron salt aerosol
The escalating climate crisis requires rapid action to reduce the concentrations of
atmospheric greenhouse gases and lower global surface temperatures. Methane will play a …
atmospheric greenhouse gases and lower global surface temperatures. Methane will play a …
Global and regional changes in carbon dioxide emissions: 1970–2019
We introduce new frameworks to study spatio-temporal patterns in carbon dioxide
emissions, demographic trends and economic patterns across 50 countries over the past 50 …
emissions, demographic trends and economic patterns across 50 countries over the past 50 …
Social science for the next decade of carbon capture and storage
Carbon capture and storage (CCS) has been an object of social science research for nearly
two decades now. However, CCS has moved beyond coal-fired electricity, and its roles in …
two decades now. However, CCS has moved beyond coal-fired electricity, and its roles in …
Soil science in the time of climate mitigation
Soil and other Earth scientists who conduct research on C management found themselves,
in the past decade within a swirl of efforts concerning climate mitigation, economic and …
in the past decade within a swirl of efforts concerning climate mitigation, economic and …
Legitimacy and justifiability of non-state geoengineering
Abstract Solar Radiation Modification (SRM) geoengineering could moderate anthropogenic
global warming. SRM could be privatised, eg using voluntary carbon offsets; alternatively …
global warming. SRM could be privatised, eg using voluntary carbon offsets; alternatively …