Bacterial vegetative insecticidal proteins (Vip) from entomopathogenic bacteria
M Chakroun, N Banyuls, Y Bel… - … and Molecular Biology …, 2016 -
Entomopathogenic bacteria produce insecticidal proteins that accumulate in inclusion
bodies or parasporal crystals (such as the Cry and Cyt proteins) as well as insecticidal …
bodies or parasporal crystals (such as the Cry and Cyt proteins) as well as insecticidal …
Potential of bacterial derived biopesticides in pest management
I Mnif, D Ghribi - Crop Protection, 2015 - Elsevier
Biopesticides, key components of integrated pest management programs, are receiving
practical attention as a means to reduce the amount of synthetic chemical products being …
practical attention as a means to reduce the amount of synthetic chemical products being …
Larvicidal, growth inhibitory and biochemical effects of soil bacterium, Pseudomonas sp. EN4 against Spodoptera litura (Fab.) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)
Abstract Background Spodoptera litura (Fabricius)(Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) also known as
tobacco caterpillar, is one of the most serious polyphagous pests that cause economic …
tobacco caterpillar, is one of the most serious polyphagous pests that cause economic …
Transgenic cotton coexpressing Vip3A and Cry1Ac has a broad insecticidal spectrum against lepidopteran pests
W Chen, G Lu, H Cheng, C Liu, Y ** for phylogenetic view and vip gene diversity of Bacillus thuringiensis strains of the Assam soil of North East India
M Rabha, S Acharjee, BK Sarmah - World Journal of Microbiology and …, 2018 - Springer
An agriculturally important insecticidal bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis have been isolated
from the soil samples of various part of Assam including the Kaziranga National Park …
from the soil samples of various part of Assam including the Kaziranga National Park …
[PDF][PDF] Biotechnological production and insecticidal activity of the overexpressed vegetative insecticidal vip3Ah1 gene in Escherichia coli.
The most important research objectives concerning Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) are to find
more potent strains and to identify new insecticidal genes with broad host ranges. A local …
more potent strains and to identify new insecticidal genes with broad host ranges. A local …