The frictional, hydrologic, metamorphic and thermal habitat of shallow slow earthquakes

DM Saffer, LM Wallace - Nature Geoscience, 2015 -
The recognition of a previously unknown spectrum of slow earthquake phenomena has
ignited one of the most dynamic fields in modern seismology and fault mechanics. These …

Hydrogeology and mechanics of subduction zone forearcs: Fluid flow and pore pressure

DM Saffer, HJ Tobin - Annual Review of Earth and Planetary …, 2011 -
At subduction zones, fluid flow, pore pressure, and tectonic processes are tightly
interconnected. Excess pore pressure is driven by tectonic loading and fluids released by …

The geophysics, geology and mechanics of slow fault slip

R Bürgmann - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2018 - Elsevier
Modern geodetic and seismologic observations describe the behavior of fault slip over a
vast range of spatial and temporal scales. Slip at sub-seismogenic speeds is evident from …

Invited review paper: Fault creep caused by subduction of rough seafloor relief

K Wang, SL Bilek - Tectonophysics, 2014 - Elsevier
Among the wide range of thermal, petrologic, hydrological, and structural factors that
potentially affect subduction earthquakes, the roughness of the subducting seafloor is …

Slow slip events in New Zealand

LM Wallace - Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 2020 -
Continuously operating global positioning system sites in the North Island of New Zealand
have revealed a diverse range of slow motion earthquakes on the Hikurangi subduction …

Do subducting seamounts generate or stop large earthquakes?

K Wang, SL Bilek - Geology, 2011 -
Seamount subduction is a common process in subduction zone tectonics. Contradicting a
widely held expectation that subducting seamounts generate large earthquakes, seamounts …

Episodic stress and fluid pressure cycling in subducting oceanic crust during slow slip

E Warren-Smith, B Fry, L Wallace, E Chon… - Nature …, 2019 -
Slow slip events are part of a spectrum of aseismic processes that relieve tectonic stress on
faults. Their spatial distribution in subduction zones has been linked to perturbations in fluid …

Slow slip source characterized by lithological and geometric heterogeneity

PM Barnes, LM Wallace, DM Saffer, RE Bell… - Science …, 2020 -
Slow slip events (SSEs) accommodate a significant proportion of tectonic plate motion at
subduction zones, yet little is known about the faults that actually host them. The shallow …

Diverse slow slip behavior at the Hikurangi subduction margin, New Zealand

LM Wallace, J Beavan - Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid …, 2010 - Wiley Online Library
The installation of a continuous GPS (cGPS) network in New Zealand since 2002 has
enabled the discovery of 15 slow slip events at the Hikurangi subduction margin. Our …

[HTML][HTML] Subduction zone megathrust earthquakes

SL Bilek, T Lay - Geosphere, 2018 -
Subduction zone megathrust faults host Earth's largest earthquakes, along with multitudes of
smaller events that contribute to plate convergence. An understanding of the faulting …