Biogeochemical extremes and compound events in the ocean

N Gruber, PW Boyd, TL Frölicher, M Vogt - Nature, 2021 -
The ocean is warming, losing oxygen and being acidified, primarily as a result of
anthropogenic carbon emissions. With ocean warming, acidification and deoxygenation …

Climate change, tropical fisheries and prospects for sustainable development

VWY Lam, EH Allison, JD Bell, J Blythe… - Nature Reviews Earth & …, 2020 -
Tropical fisheries substantially contribute to the well-being of societies in both the tropics
and the extratropics, the latter through 'telecoupling'—linkages between distant human …

Blue food demand across geographic and temporal scales

RL Naylor, A Kishore, UR Sumaila, I Issifu… - Nature …, 2021 -
Numerous studies have focused on the need to expand production of 'blue foods', defined
as aquatic foods captured or cultivated in marine and freshwater systems, to meet rising …

Changing ocean, marine ecosystems, and dependent communities

NL Bindoff, WWL Cheung, JG Kairo, J Arístegui… - 2019 -
The ocean is a key component of the Earth system (Chapter 1) as it provides essential life
supporting services (Inniss et al. 2017). For example, it stores heat trapped in the …

Enabling conditions for an equitable and sustainable blue economy

AM Cisneros-Montemayor, M Moreno-Báez… - Nature, 2021 -
The future of the global ocean economy is currently envisioned as advancing towards a
'blue economy'—socially equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically viable …

Marine high temperature extremes amplify the impacts of climate change on fish and fisheries

WWL Cheung, TL Frölicher, VWY Lam, MA Oyinlola… - Science …, 2021 -
Extreme temperature events have occurred in all ocean basins in the past two decades with
detrimental impacts on marine biodiversity, ecosystem functions, and services. However …

Governing for transformative change across the biodiversity–climate–society nexus

U Pascual, PD McElwee, SE Diamond, HT Ngo… - …, 2022 -
Transformative governance is key to addressing the global environmental crisis. We explore
how transformative governance of complex biodiversity–climate–society interactions can be …

[HTML][HTML] Oil, fisheries and coastal communities: A review of impacts on the environment, livelihoods, space and governance

N Andrews, NJ Bennett, P Le Billon, SJ Green… - Energy Research & …, 2021 - Elsevier
A quarter of global oil production comes from offshore fields and about 60% of
internationally-traded oil travels by tankers. The relationship between oil, fisheries, and …

[HTML][HTML] Updated estimates and analysis of global fisheries subsidies

UR Sumaila, N Ebrahim, A Schuhbauer, D Skerritt, Y Li… - Marine Policy, 2019 - Elsevier
The period from 2019 to 2020 is critical in determining whether the World Trade
Organization (WTO), tasked with eliminating capacity-enhancing fisheries subsidies, can …

The ocean as a solution to climate change: five opportunities for action

O Hoegh-Guldberg, K Caldeira, T Chopin… - The blue compendium …, 2023 - Springer
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