Hard X-ray polarimetry—an overview of the method, science drivers, and recent findings

T Chattopadhyay - Journal of Astrophysics and Astronomy, 2021 - Springer
The last decade has seen a leapfrog in the interest of X-ray polarimetry with a number of
new polarization measurements in hard X-rays from AstroSat, POLAR, GAP, and PoGO+ …

Instrumentation for solar spectropolarimetry: state of the art and prospects

FA Iglesias, A Feller - Optical Engineering, 2019 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Given its unchallenged capabilities in terms of sensitivity and spatial resolution, the
combination of imaging spectropolarimetry and numeric Stokes inversion represents the …

XIPE: the X-ray imaging polarimetry explorer

P Soffitta, X Barcons, R Bellazzini, J Braga… - Experimental …, 2013 - Springer
X-ray polarimetry, sometimes alone, and sometimes coupled to spectral and temporal
variability measurements and to imaging, allows a wealth of physical phenomena in …

The cubesat solar polarimeter (cusp) mission overview

S Fabiani, E Del Monte, I Baffo… - … 2024: Ultraviolet to …, 2024 - spiedigitallibrary.org
The CUbesat Solar Polarimeter (CUSP) project is a future CubeSat mission orbiting the
Earth aimed to measure the linear polarization of solar flares in the hard X-ray band, by …

CUSP: a two CubeSats constellation for space weather and solar flares x-ray polarimetry

S Fabiani, I Baffo, S Bonomo, G Contini… - … 2022: Ultraviolet to …, 2022 - spiedigitallibrary.org
The CubeSat solar polarimeter (CUSP) project aims to develop a constellation of two
CubeSats orbiting the Earth to measure the linear polarisation of solar flares in the hard x …

Role of suprathermal runaway electrons returning to the acceleration region in solar flares

M Alaoui, GD Holman, JC Allred… - The Astrophysical …, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
During solar flares, a large flux of energetic electrons propagate from the tops of
reconnecting magnetic flux tubes toward the lower atmosphere. Over the course of the …

[HTML][HTML] Design and Test of a Calibration System for Avalanche Photodiodes Used in X-Ray Compton Polarimeters for Space

A Alimenti, F Cologgi, S Fabiani, K Torokhtii, E Silva… - Sensors, 2024 - mdpi.com
The development and calibration of a measurement system designed for assessing the
performance of the avalanche photodiodes (APDs) used in the Compton scattering …

Early-stage coronal hard X-ray source in solar flares in the collapsing trap model

AN Shabalin, YE Charikov… - The Astrophysical …, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
A bright hard X-ray coronal source observed at the early stage of solar flares is considered.
The plasma density in a quiet corona is not enough to explain the hard X-ray …

Understanding the impact of return-current losses on the X-ray emission from solar flares

GD Holman - The Astrophysical Journal, 2011 - iopscience.iop.org
ABSTRACT I obtain and examine the implications of one-dimensional analytic solutions for
return-current losses on an initially power-law distribution of energetic electrons with a sharp …

Current state and perspectives of Space Weather science in Italy

C Plainaki, M Antonucci, A Bemporad… - Journal of Space …, 2020 - swsc-journal.org
Italian teams have been involved many times in Space Weather observational campaigns
from space and from the ground, contributing in the advancing of our knowledge on the …