[BOK][B] Managing the Smart Revolution in Tourism Firms: Innovation and Value Creation in the Era of Data

FJ Navarro-Meneses - 2023 - books.google.com
Smart technologies are revolutionizing tourism, as they are having a profound impact on the
way tourists behave and on how firms interact with them and create value. The increasing …

[BOK][B] The role of community colleges in economic development: A case study of internal and external stakeholders' perceptions

JR Ramont - 2022 - search.proquest.com
Communities strive to grow economically to improve the quality of life of their citizens.
Community colleges have long been a key driver of local economic development through …

Emerging Forms of Leading and Context Curation in Agile Organizing

A Alexopoulos, N Mylonopoulos, M Skordia - LMDE Conference, 2023 - Springer
Agile forms of organizing are emerging to meet the imperative of organizational adaptation
as the external environment is subject to broader social, economic, demographic, and …