Nonadiabatic landau–zener–stückelberg–majorana transitions, dynamics, and interference

V Ivakhnenko, SN Shevchenko, F Nori - Physics Reports, 2023 - Elsevier
Since the pioneering works by Landau, Zener, Stückelberg, and Majorana (LZSM), it has
been known that driving a quantum two-level system results in tunneling between its states …

[HTML][HTML] Non-Hermitian Floquet topological matter—a review

L Zhou, DJ Zhang - Entropy, 2023 -
The past few years have witnessed a surge of interest in non-Hermitian Floquet topological
matter due to its exotic properties resulting from the interplay between driving fields and non …

Quantum master equations: Tips and tricks for quantum optics, quantum computing, and beyond

F Campaioli, JH Cole, H Hapuarachchi - PRX Quantum, 2024 - APS
Quantum master equations are an invaluable tool to model the dynamics of a plethora of
microscopic systems, ranging from quantum optics and quantum information processing to …

Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill state preparation using periodic driving

XC Kolesnikow, RW Bomantara, AC Doherty… - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
The Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) code may be used to overcome noise in continuous
variable quantum systems. However, preparing GKP states remains experimentally …

Liouvillian-gap analysis of open quantum many-body systems in the weak dissipation limit

T Mori - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
Recent experiments have reported that novel physics emerge in open quantum many-body
systems due to an interplay of interactions and dissipation, which stimulate theoretical …

Quantum information geometry of driven CFTs

J de Boer, V Godet, J Kastikainen… - Journal of High Energy …, 2023 - Springer
A bstract Driven quantum systems exhibit a large variety of interesting and sometimes exotic
phenomena. Of particular interest are driven conformal field theories (CFTs) which describe …

Symmetrized Liouvillian gap in Markovian open quantum systems

T Mori, T Shirai - Physical review letters, 2023 - APS
Markovian open quantum systems display complicated relaxation dynamics. The spectral
gap of the Liouvillian characterizes the asymptotic decay rate toward the steady state, but it …

Geometric aspects of nonlinear and nonequilibrium phenomena

T Morimoto, S Kitamura, N Nagaosa - Journal of the Physical Society …, 2023 -
We review recent developments in the research of nonlinear and nonequilibrium
phenomena in solids focusing on their geometrical aspects. We start with introducing the …

Periodically driven open quantum systems: Spectral properties and nonequilibrium steady states

H Chen, YM Hu, W Zhang, MA Kurniawan, Y Shao… - Physical Review B, 2024 - APS
In this paper, we investigate periodically driven open quantum systems within the framework
of Floquet-Lindblad master equations. Specifically, we discuss Lindblad master equations in …

Unified linear response theory of quantum electronic circuits

L Peri, M Benito, CJB Ford… - npj Quantum …, 2024 -
Modeling the electrical response of multi-level quantum systems at finite frequency has been
typically performed in the context of two incomplete paradigms:(i) input-output theory, which …