User model interoperability: a survey

F Carmagnola, F Cena, C Gena - User Modeling and User-Adapted …, 2011 - Springer
Nowadays a large number of user-adaptive systems has been developed. Commonly, the
effort to build user models is repeated across applications and domains, due to the lack of …

User identification for cross-system personalisation

F Carmagnola, F Cena - Information Sciences, 2009 - Elsevier
Currently, there is an increasing demand for user-adaptive systems for various purposes in
many different domains. Typically, personalisation in information systems occurs separately …

Enrichment of learner profile with ubiquitous user model interoperability

ML Martínez-Villaseñor, M González-Mendoza… - Computación y …, 2014 -
Nowadays, there is a constant need of acquiring new knowledge and skills to keep up with
the demands of changing environment. The design and development of training and …

Computer-assisted learning based on universal design, multimodal presentation and textual linkage

L Zhuhadar, B Carson, J Daday, E Thrasher… - Journal of the …, 2016 - Springer
Refining city services is gradually being placed in the hands of the citizens, or, as in the case
of IBM's initiative,“let's build a planet of smarter cities”(https://www-03. ibm. com/press/us/en …

A flexible rule-based method for interlinking, integrating, and enriching user data

E Leonardi, F Abel, D Heckmann, E Herder… - Web Engineering: 10th …, 2010 - Springer
Many Web applications provide personalized and adapted services and contents to their
users. As these Web applications are becoming increasingly connected, a new interesting …

Handling semantic heterogeneity in interoperable distributed user models

F Carmagnola - Advances in Ubiquitous User Modelling: Revised …, 2009 - Springer
Due to the overspread of user adaptive systems user data are collected and processed in
diverse settings and from different platforms. The computational effort to extract user models …

A survey of context-aware cross-digital library personalization

A Nika, T Catarci, Y Ioannidis, A Katifori… - … , Exploration, and Fusion …, 2011 - Springer
The constant interaction of users with different Digital Libraries (DLs) and the subsequent
scattering of user information across them raise the need not only for Digital Library …

[PDF][PDF] User profile elicitation and conversion in a mashup environment

E Leonardi, GJ Houben, K van der Sluijs… - … Integration on the Web …, 2009 -
Many Web applications have offered personalization and adaptation as their features in
order to provide personalized services to their users. The user profiles are gathered …

Improving the workspace awareness of authors in asynchronous collaborative authoring of learning designs

D Nurjanah, HC Davis - EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 2012 -
Creating adaptive learning resources is a complex, time-consuming process. Problems
emerged regarding interoperability, reusability, and collaboration. This paper discusses a …

[PDF][PDF] An Enhanced Process of Concept Alignment for Dealing with Overweight and Obesity.

M de Lourdes Martinez-Villasenor… - J. Univers. Comput …, 2013 - Citeseer
A major challenge for creating personalized diet and activity applications is to capture static,
semi-static and dynamic information about a person in a user-friendly way. Sharing and …