Many-body localization in the age of classical computing
Statistical mechanics provides a framework for describing the physics of large, complex
many-body systems using only a few macroscopic parameters to determine the state of the …
many-body systems using only a few macroscopic parameters to determine the state of the …
Quantum kicked rotor and its variants: Chaos, localization and beyond
Kicked rotor is a paradigmatic model for classical and quantum chaos in time-dependent
Hamiltonian systems. More than fifty years since the introduction of this model, there is an …
Hamiltonian systems. More than fifty years since the introduction of this model, there is an …
Avalanches and many-body resonances in many-body localized systems
We numerically study both the avalanche instability and many-body resonances in strongly
disordered spin chains exhibiting many-body localization (MBL). Finite-size systems behave …
disordered spin chains exhibiting many-body localization (MBL). Finite-size systems behave …
Bath-induced delocalization in interacting disordered spin chains
D Sels - Physical Review B, 2022 - APS
Over a decade of work has culminated in the consensus that one-dimensional systems,
subject to sufficiently large disorder, fail to thermalize and possess an extensive set of local …
subject to sufficiently large disorder, fail to thermalize and possess an extensive set of local …
Quantum chaos challenges many-body localization
Characterizing states of matter through the lens of their ergodic properties is a fascinating
new direction of research. In the quantum realm, the many-body localization (MBL) was …
new direction of research. In the quantum realm, the many-body localization (MBL) was …
Dynamical obstruction to localization in a disordered spin chain
We analyze a one-dimensional XXZ spin chain in a disordered magnetic field. As the main
probes of the system's behavior, we use the sensitivity of eigenstates to adiabatic …
probes of the system's behavior, we use the sensitivity of eigenstates to adiabatic …
Slow delocalization of particles in many-body localized phases
We have recently shown that the logarithmic growth of the entanglement entropy following a
quantum quench in a many-body localized phase is accompanied by a slow growth of the …
quantum quench in a many-body localized phase is accompanied by a slow growth of the …
Resonance-induced growth of number entropy in strongly disordered systems
We study the growth of the number entropy SN in one-dimensional number-conserving
interacting systems with strong disorder, which are believed to display many-body …
interacting systems with strong disorder, which are believed to display many-body …
Polynomially filtered exact diagonalization approach to many-body localization
Polynomially filtered exact diagonalization method (POLFED) for large sparse matrices is
introduced. The algorithm finds an optimal basis of a subspace spanned by eigenvectors …
introduced. The algorithm finds an optimal basis of a subspace spanned by eigenvectors …
Universality in the onset of quantum chaos in many-body systems
We show that the onset of quantum chaos at infinite temperature in two many-body one-
dimensional lattice models, the perturbed spin-1/2 XXZ and Anderson models, is …
dimensional lattice models, the perturbed spin-1/2 XXZ and Anderson models, is …