[HTML][HTML] Retinal vessel diameters and function in cardiovascular risk and disease
H Hanssen, L Streese, W Vilser - Progress in retinal and eye research, 2022 - Elsevier
In the last two decades evidence has gradually accumulated suggesting that the eye may be
a unique window for cardiovascular risk stratification based on the assessment of subclinical …
a unique window for cardiovascular risk stratification based on the assessment of subclinical …
The eye and the heart
J Flammer, K Konieczka, RM Bruno… - European heart …, 2013 - academic.oup.com
The vasculature of the eye and the heart share several common characteristics. The easily
accessible vessels of the eye are therefore—to some extent—a window to the heart. There is …
accessible vessels of the eye are therefore—to some extent—a window to the heart. There is …
The eye in hypertension
T Wong, P Mitchell - The Lancet, 2007 - thelancet.com
Hypertension has a range of effects on the eye. Hypertensive retinopathy refers to retinal
microvascular signs that develop in response to raised blood pressure. Signs of …
microvascular signs that develop in response to raised blood pressure. Signs of …
Retinal vascular caliber: systemic, environmental, and genetic associations
Quantitative studies of retinal vascular caliber using new computer-assisted retinal imaging
systems have allowed physicians and researchers to understand the influence of systemic …
systems have allowed physicians and researchers to understand the influence of systemic …
Retinal microvasculature as a model to study the manifestations of hypertension
The retinal vasculature allows direct noninvasive visualization of the body's
mircrovasculature. Because the retina and other end organs (brain and kidney) share similar …
mircrovasculature. Because the retina and other end organs (brain and kidney) share similar …
A review of machine learning methods for retinal blood vessel segmentation and artery/vein classification
The eye affords a unique opportunity to inspect a rich part of the human microvasculature
non-invasively via retinal imaging. Retinal blood vessel segmentation and classification are …
non-invasively via retinal imaging. Retinal blood vessel segmentation and classification are …
Retinal vascular caliber and the development of hypertension: a meta-analysis of individual participant data
Objective: Microvascular dysfunction has been suggested to be a major pathogenic factor for
the development of hypertension. We examined the association between retinal vascular …
the development of hypertension. We examined the association between retinal vascular …
Retinal vessel diameters and risk of hypertension: the Rotterdam Study
MK Ikram, JCM Witteman, JR Vingerling… - …, 2006 - ahajournals.org
Generalized retinal arteriolar narrowing is an important sign of systemic hypertension, and a
lower arteriolar: venular diameter ratio predicts the risk of hypertension. We investigated …
lower arteriolar: venular diameter ratio predicts the risk of hypertension. We investigated …
Retinal vessel diameter and cardiovascular mortality: pooled data analysis from two older populations
Aims The retinal microvasculature may reflect pre-clinical changes in the cerebral and
coronary microcirculations. We assessed whether smaller retinal arterioles and larger …
coronary microcirculations. We assessed whether smaller retinal arterioles and larger …
Quantitative and qualitative retinal microvascular characteristics and blood pressure
Objective The present study examined the effects of blood pressure on a spectrum of
quantitative and qualitative retinal microvascular signs. Methods Retinal photographs from …
quantitative and qualitative retinal microvascular signs. Methods Retinal photographs from …