Evaluating seismic resilience of steel buildings: integrating soil-structure interaction and ensemble modeling approaches
Seismic design has been a fundamental concern in structural engineering since the early
19th century, with the development of various assessment techniques such as static …
19th century, with the development of various assessment techniques such as static …
The probabilistic performance-based seismic assessment of concrete bridge piers with SMASC reinforcing bars: Effect of pulse-like ground motion and vertical load-to …
Concrete bridge piers are critical components of bridge structures and their performance
under seismic loading is of utmost importance. Traditional reinforced concrete bridge piers …
under seismic loading is of utmost importance. Traditional reinforced concrete bridge piers …
Residual deformation considered harmonic-pulse response analysis on self-centering structures with hybrid dam**
Z Lin, L Xu, X **e - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Self-centering structures feature on its outstanding performance with low residual
deformation, while the overuse of the self-centering component significantly increases its …
deformation, while the overuse of the self-centering component significantly increases its …
[HTML][HTML] Soil-structure interaction: theoretical research, in-situ observations, and practical applications
СМ Муаяд, КГ Шашкин - Magazine of Civil Engineering, 2023 - cyberleninka.ru
This research paper presents a comprehensive investigation on soil-structure interaction,
combining theoretical research and in-situ observations. Detailed calculations and a …
combining theoretical research and in-situ observations. Detailed calculations and a …
Impact of diaphragm flexibility on dynamic properties and seismic design parameters of irregular buildings in plan
One of the established conditions of structural regularity in modern Mexican seismic codes is
that a rigid and strong diaphragm has to be provided at each story. However, this condition …
that a rigid and strong diaphragm has to be provided at each story. However, this condition …
Seismic fragility, loss, and resiliency of old railway masonry arch bridges under near-field ground motion
Iran's historic railway arch bridges, many over a century old, face seismic risks due to their
original design neglecting lateral loads. As they are often situated in seismically active …
original design neglecting lateral loads. As they are often situated in seismically active …
Vibration control of steel frames with setback irregularities equipped with semi-active tuned mass dampers
This paper presents a pioneering study on the seismic vibration control of steel moment-
resisting frames (MRFs) with setback irregularities using semi-active tuned mass dampers …
resisting frames (MRFs) with setback irregularities using semi-active tuned mass dampers …
The influence of regular openings and pre-compression loading on the in-plane strength parameters of unreinforced masonry shear walls
This study presents a comprehensive investigation of the in-plane response of unreinforced
masonry shear walls with regular openings, under the action of monotonic lateral …
masonry shear walls with regular openings, under the action of monotonic lateral …