Evolution of gene duplication in plants
Ancient duplication events and a high rate of retention of extant pairs of duplicate genes
have contributed to an abundance of duplicate genes in plant genomes. These duplicates …
have contributed to an abundance of duplicate genes in plant genomes. These duplicates …
Gene balance hypothesis: connecting issues of dosage sensitivity across biological disciplines
We summarize, in this review, the evidence that genomic balance influences gene
expression, quantitative traits, dosage compensation, aneuploid syndromes, population …
expression, quantitative traits, dosage compensation, aneuploid syndromes, population …
Parallel patterns of evolution in the genomes and transcriptomes of humans and chimpanzees
The determination of the chimpanzee genome sequence provides a means to study both
structural and functional aspects of the evolution of the human genome. Here we compare …
structural and functional aspects of the evolution of the human genome. Here we compare …
The gene balance hypothesis: from classical genetics to modern genomics
The concept of genetic balance traces back to the early days of genetics. Additions or
subtractions of single chromosomes to the karyotype (aneuploidy) produced greater impacts …
subtractions of single chromosomes to the karyotype (aneuploidy) produced greater impacts …
Dosage balance in gene regulation: biological implications
Classical studies in genetics involving aneuploidy and ploidy comparisons and sex-
determination mechanisms indicated a balance phenomenon such that changes of …
determination mechanisms indicated a balance phenomenon such that changes of …
Reconstructing the evolution history of networked complex systems
The evolution processes of complex systems carry key information in the systems' functional
properties. Applying machine learning algorithms, we demonstrate that the historical …
properties. Applying machine learning algorithms, we demonstrate that the historical …
Genetic properties influencing the evolvability of gene expression
Identifying the properties of gene networks that influence their evolution is a fundamental
research goal. However, modes of evolution cannot be inferred solely from the distribution of …
research goal. However, modes of evolution cannot be inferred solely from the distribution of …
Evolution of Proteins and Gene Expression Levels are Coupled in Drosophila and are Independently Associated with mRNA Abundance, Protein Length, and …
B Lemos, BR Bettencourt… - … biology and evolution, 2005 - academic.oup.com
Organismic evolution requires that variation at distinct hierarchical levels and attributes be
coherently integrated, often in the face of disparate environmental and genetic pressures. A …
coherently integrated, often in the face of disparate environmental and genetic pressures. A …
Evolutionary strategies drive a balance of the interacting gene products for the CBL and CIPK gene families
X Zhang, X Li, R Zhao, Y Zhou, Y Jiao - new phytologist, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Genes encoding interacting proteins tend to be co‐retained after whole‐genome duplication
(WGD). The preferential retention after WGD has been explained by the gene balance …
(WGD). The preferential retention after WGD has been explained by the gene balance …
One hundred years of gene balance: how stoichiometric issues affect gene expression, genome evolution, and quantitative traits
A century ago experiments with the flowering plant Datura stramonium and the fruit fly
Drosophila melanogaster revealed that adding an extra chromosome to a karyotype was …
Drosophila melanogaster revealed that adding an extra chromosome to a karyotype was …