Socioeconomic impact assessments of high-Speed rail: A meta-Analysis
The interest in the socioeconomic impact assessments of the high-speed rail (HSR) system
is burgeoning as many countries are considering investing in such a system. While …
is burgeoning as many countries are considering investing in such a system. While …
[PDF][PDF] Agglomeration economies: a literature review
K Bolter, J Robey - 2020 - research.upjohn.org
Businesses display a strong tendency to locate in specific geographic areas due to various
opportunities and constraints for the firm. Shorter distances between firms leads to many …
opportunities and constraints for the firm. Shorter distances between firms leads to many …
How urban spatial expansion influences CO2 emissions in Latin American countries
The way urban development will be shaped during the next decade will have a decisive
impact on our ability to limit global temperature increase. The goal of this paper is to develop …
impact on our ability to limit global temperature increase. The goal of this paper is to develop …
Agglomeration spillover, accessibility by high-speed rail, and urban innovation in China: A focus on the electronic information industry
This study examines the impacts of different sources and types of agglomeration economies
on urban innovation in the context high-speed rail (HSR), using the Electronic Information …
on urban innovation in the context high-speed rail (HSR), using the Electronic Information …
Government-led regional integration and economic growth: Evidence from a quasi-natural experiment of urban agglomeration development planning policies in China
L Guo, M Tang, Y Wu, S Bao, Q Wu - Cities, 2025 - Elsevier
Despite urban agglomeration plays a pivotal role in bolstering economic growth in
develo** countries, the specific mechanism of government-led regional integration in …
develo** countries, the specific mechanism of government-led regional integration in …
Urban spatial structure and firm growth: Evidence from China
Z Zhuang, F Han - Land Use Policy, 2024 - Elsevier
In the context of China's continued promotion of new urbanization and development of urban
land, it is significant for China to create high-quality urban spatial structures with a …
land, it is significant for China to create high-quality urban spatial structures with a …
Оптимальная пространственная организация экономики региона: поиск параметров и зависимостей
ЮГ Лаврикова, АВ Суворова - Экономика региона, 2020 - cyberleninka.ru
Несмотря на активную научную дискуссию, развернувшуюся вокруг ориентиров
пространственного развития страны, вопрос о свойствах, которыми должно обладать …
пространственного развития страны, вопрос о свойствах, которыми должно обладать …
Travel before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic: exploring factors in essential travel using empirical data
The COVID-19 pandemic has a significant impact on daily life, leading to quarantines and
essential travel restrictions worldwide in an effort to curb the virus's spread. Despite the …
essential travel restrictions worldwide in an effort to curb the virus's spread. Despite the …
Polycentricity: The last episodes or the new season?
This article presents a systematic review of empirical studies on polycentric spatial structures
at a regional scale in order to assess their effectiveness as prescriptive and normative …
at a regional scale in order to assess their effectiveness as prescriptive and normative …
Spatio-temporal evolution and future simulation of urban agglomeration expansion in the Guangdong–Hongkong–Macau Greater Bay Area
Z Liao, L Zhang - Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 2023 - nature.com
Urban agglomerations are growth poles that promote regional economic development;
however, rapid expansion exerts an increasingly negative influence on regional ecosystem …
however, rapid expansion exerts an increasingly negative influence on regional ecosystem …