How traditional knowledge comes to matter in Atlantic salmon governance in Norway and Finland
C Brattland, T Mustonen - Arctic, 2018 - JSTOR
The article compares different models for knowledge production, all of which include
traditional knowledge, as part of Norwegian and Finnish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) …
traditional knowledge, as part of Norwegian and Finnish Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) …
Anthropogenic development drives species to be endangered: Capitalism and the decline of species
The study of crimes against non-human species is central to the development of green
criminology. This discussion contributes to this particular area of green criminology by …
criminology. This discussion contributes to this particular area of green criminology by …
Luossa y Laks
J Law, S Joks - Revue d'anthropologie des connaissances, 2017 - shs.cairn.info
1 Nils Henrik es un Noruego que habla Saami y un Saami que habla noruego. Vive en las
orillas de uno de los ríos más grandes del mundo para el salmón del Atlántico. En Saami …
orillas de uno de los ríos más grandes del mundo para el salmón del Atlántico. En Saami …
Objective styles in northern field science
J Kochan - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A, 2015 - Elsevier
Social studies of science have often treated natural field sites as extensions of the
laboratory. But this overlooks the unique specificities of field sites. While lab sites are usually …
laboratory. But this overlooks the unique specificities of field sites. While lab sites are usually …
Modes of Naturing: Or stories of salmon
H Swanson, J Law, M Lien - The SAGE Handbook of Nature: Three …, 2018 - torrossa.com
Times change, natures change, and what counts as natural changes too. In 2007 the
Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre published a Blacklist of alien species living in …
Norwegian Biodiversity Information Centre published a Blacklist of alien species living in …
Luossa y Laks: Salmón, ciencia y Conocimiento Ecológico Local (CEL)
J Law, S Joks, D Vinck, G Zarama - Revue d'anthropologie des …, 2017 - cairn.info
Las interacciones de la tecnociencia y la política de estado con los conocimientos y
practicas indígenas tienden a ser asimétricas. En las relaciones de dominación, los …
practicas indígenas tienden a ser asimétricas. En las relaciones de dominación, los …
Tracking nature inscribed: Nature in rights and bureaucratic practice
GB Ween - Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies, 2014 - ntnu.no
Indigenous people live in places that non-indigenous people generally consider nature. As
these peoples' livelihoods often are in this nature, their lives are frequently bureaucratised in …
these peoples' livelihoods often are in this nature, their lives are frequently bureaucratised in …
Møte mellom menneske og laks: Om laksefiskepraksisar ved Namsenvassdraget
A Nordeide - 2012 - duo.uio.no
Tema for denne masteroppgåva er relasjonar mellom menneske og laks slik dei kjem til
syne gjennom praksisar i laksefiske ved Namsenvassdraget i Nord-Trøndelag. Oppgåva er …
syne gjennom praksisar i laksefiske ved Namsenvassdraget i Nord-Trøndelag. Oppgåva er …
GB Ween - academia.edu
Indigenous people live in places that non-indigenous people generally consider nature. As
these peoples' livelihoods often are in this nature, their lives are frequently bureaucratised in …
these peoples' livelihoods often are in this nature, their lives are frequently bureaucratised in …