[PDF][PDF] Pendidikan lingkungan berbasis experiential learning untuk meningkatkan literasi lingkungan
RS Hayati - Humanika: Kajian Ilmiah Mata Kuliah Umum, 2020 - scholar.archive.org
Kerusakan ekosistem dan penurunan jumlah biodiversitas terus berlanjut. Kerusakan
ekosistem akibat aktivitas manusia telah menjadi permasalahan dunia. Aktivitas merusak …
ekosistem akibat aktivitas manusia telah menjadi permasalahan dunia. Aktivitas merusak …
Upaya pemerintah daerah mengatasi kerusakan lingkungan akibat alih fungsi lahan berdasarkan konsep negara kesejahteraan
Abstract Environmental damage in Ponorogo Regency is more caused by land conversion
factors that occur in several regions, especially in the highland areas. The problem …
factors that occur in several regions, especially in the highland areas. The problem …
Dampak Kerusakan Lingkungan Akibat Penambangan Pasir Merapi di Klaten
AK Syaifulloh - Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Dan Keadilan, 2021 - journal.umy.ac.id
Kearifan lokal (ruwat petirtaan jolotundo) dalam menjaga kelestarian lingkungan hidup
Kekayaan alam Indonesia harus dijaga keberadaannya sebagai sumber kehidupan
manusia. Tetapi saat ini banyak terjadi kerusakan lingkungan hidup di Indonesia akibat ulah …
manusia. Tetapi saat ini banyak terjadi kerusakan lingkungan hidup di Indonesia akibat ulah …
Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Desa Batu Berian dalam Strategi Konservasi Sumber Daya Laut Sebagai Sumber Belajar Biologi
Kearifan lokal dalam strategi konservasi sumber daya laut merupakan kegiatan masyarakat
dalam menjaga ekosistem laut. Beberapa kearifan lokal masyarakat di desa Batu Berian …
dalam menjaga ekosistem laut. Beberapa kearifan lokal masyarakat di desa Batu Berian …
The Students' Caring Attitude Toward Marine Environment through Integrated Natural Science Learning in SMP Negeri Tanjungpinang
Various marine environment damages were caused by a lack of marine environmental care
attitude. This attitude must be instilled from an early age. This study aimed to find out how …
attitude. This attitude must be instilled from an early age. This study aimed to find out how …
[PDF][PDF] Efforts to achieve environmental sustainability through ecotourism.
This paper will discuss specifically the effort of Kupa-Kupa Beach Cottage and Meti Beach
Cottage managers to achieve environmental sustainability through the concept of …
Cottage managers to achieve environmental sustainability through the concept of …
Education sustainability development in the effectiveness of parents' role to build students' competence
Y Suryatna - Journal of Social Studies Education Research, 2023 - learntechlib.org
This study aims to analyze parents' roles in building student competence oriented toward
educational sustainability development (ESD) in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. In this …
educational sustainability development (ESD) in Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. In this …
Dampak perubahan iklim dan aktivitas manusia terhadap kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang dan biota laut di sekitarnya
KVC Dewi, R Pradesti, S Nurlaela… - Panthera: Jurnal …, 2023 - e-journal.lp3kamandanu.com
Coral reefs are ecosystems that have a diversity of biota in them. The main causes of
damage to coral reefs are natural and human factors. This research was conducted from …
damage to coral reefs are natural and human factors. This research was conducted from …
The effect of coral reef comic media implementation on students' environmental care attitude in Indonesia
The purpose of this study was to analyze students' environmental care attitudes towards
coral reef ecosystems through the implementation of coral reef comic media in West Nusa …
coral reef ecosystems through the implementation of coral reef comic media in West Nusa …