[HTML][HTML] A comparative study of common nature-inspired algorithms for continuous function optimization

Z Wang, C Qin, B Wan, WW Song - Entropy, 2021 - mdpi.com
Over previous decades, many nature-inspired optimization algorithms (NIOAs) have been
proposed and applied due to their importance and significance. Some survey studies have …

Metaheuristic applications on discrete facility location problems: a survey

S Basu, M Sharma, PS Ghosh - Opsearch, 2015 - Springer
This paper provides a detailed review of metaheuristic applications on discrete facility
location problems. The objective of this paper is to provide a concise summary of solution …

A simple and effective genetic algorithm for the two-stage capacitated facility location problem

DRM Fernandes, C Rocha, D Aloise, GM Ribeiro… - Computers & Industrial …, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper presents a simple and effective Genetic Algorithm (GA) for the two-stage
capacitated facility location problem (TSCFLP). The TSCFLP is a typical location problem …

A genetic algorithm approach for the capacitated single allocation p-hub median problem

Z Stanimirović - Computing and informatics, 2010 - cai.sk
In this paper the Capacitated Single Allocation p-Hub Median Problem (CSApHMP) is
considered. This problem has a wide range of applications within the design of …

An innovative learning approach for solar power forecasting using genetic algorithm and artificial neural network

D Pattanaik, S Mishra, GP Khuntia, R Dash… - Open …, 2020 - degruyter.com
Abstract Analysing the Output Power of a Solar Photo-voltaic System at the design stage and
at the same time predicting the performance of solar PV System under different weather …

Computing minimal doubly resolving sets of graphs

J Kratica, M Čangalović, V Kovačević-Vujčić - Computers & Operations …, 2009 - Elsevier
In this paper we consider the minimal doubly resolving sets problem (MDRSP) of graphs.
We prove that the problem is NP-hard and give its integer linear programming formulation …

Constant-factor approximation for ordered k-median

J Byrka, K Sornat, J Spoerhase - Proceedings of the 50th Annual ACM …, 2018 - dl.acm.org
We study the Ordered k-Median problem, in which the solution is evaluated by first sorting
the client connection costs and then multiplying them with a predefined non-increasing …

Computing the metric dimension of graphs by genetic algorithms

J Kratica, V Kovačević-Vujčić, M Čangalović - Computational Optimization …, 2009 - Springer
In this paper we consider the NP-hard problem of determining the metric dimension of
graphs. We propose a genetic algorithm (GA) that uses the binary encoding and the …

[PDF][PDF] An efficient genetic algorithm for solving the multi-level uncapacitated facility location problem

M Maric - Computing and Informatics, 2010 - cai.sk
In this paper a new evolutionary approach for solving the multi-level uncapacitated facility
location problem (MLUFLP) is presented. Binary encoding scheme is used with appropriate …

The ordered k-median problem: surrogate models and approximation algorithms

A Aouad, D Segev - Mathematical Programming, 2019 - Springer
In the last two decades, a steady stream of research has been devoted to studying various
computational aspects of the ordered k-median problem, which subsumes traditional facility …