Torsion strained iridium oxide for efficient acidic water oxidation in proton exchange membrane electrolyzers
Acidic oxygen evolution reaction is crucial for practical proton exchange membrane water
splitting electrolysers, which have been hindered by the high catalytic overpotential and high …
splitting electrolysers, which have been hindered by the high catalytic overpotential and high …
Reconstructed Ir‒O‒Mo species with strong Brønsted acidity for acidic water oxidation
Surface reconstruction generates real active species in electrochemical conditions; rational
regulating reconstruction in a targeted manner is the key for constructing highly active …
regulating reconstruction in a targeted manner is the key for constructing highly active …
Significantly enhanced overall water splitting performance by partial oxidation of Ir through Au modification in core–shell alloy structure
Develo** efficient bifunctional electrocatalysts for overall water splitting in acidic
conditions is the essential step for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers …
conditions is the essential step for proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers …
Breaking long-range order in iridium oxide by alkali ion for efficient water oxidation
Oxygen electrochemistry plays a critical role in clean energy technologies such as fuel cells
and electrolyzers, but the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) severely restricts the efficiency of …
and electrolyzers, but the oxygen evolution reaction (OER) severely restricts the efficiency of …
Dynamic chloride ion adsorption on single iridium atom boosts seawater oxidation catalysis
Seawater electrolysis offers a renewable, scalable, and economic means for green
hydrogen production. However, anode corrosion by Cl-pose great challenges for its …
hydrogen production. However, anode corrosion by Cl-pose great challenges for its …
Highly active and stable amorphous IrOx/CeO2 nanowires for acidic oxygen evolution
Abstract Development of highly active and durable electrocatalysts for acidic oxygen
evolution reaction (OER) remains an unresolved grand challenge. Here, we reported the …
evolution reaction (OER) remains an unresolved grand challenge. Here, we reported the …
Identification of the Active-Layer Structures for Acidic Oxygen Evolution from 9R-BaIrO3 Electrocatalyst with Enhanced Iridium Mass Activity
Iridium-based perovskites show promising catalytic activity for oxygen evolution reaction
(OER) in acid media, but the iridium mass activity remains low and the active-layer structures …
(OER) in acid media, but the iridium mass activity remains low and the active-layer structures …
A highly active and stable 3D dandelion spore-structured self-supporting Ir-based electrocatalyst for proton exchange membrane water electrolysis fabricated using …
Proton exchange membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE), the most energy-efficient low-
temperature electrolysis method, is promising for converting intermittent renewable energies …
temperature electrolysis method, is promising for converting intermittent renewable energies …
Phase-and surface composition-dependent electrochemical stability of Ir-Ru nanoparticles during oxygen evolution reaction
The increasing scarcity of iridium (Ir) and its rutile-type oxide (IrO2), the current state-of-the-
art oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysts, is driving the transition toward the use of …
art oxygen evolution reaction (OER) catalysts, is driving the transition toward the use of …
Precise strain tuning boosts electrocatalytic hydrogen generation
Strain engineering has been utilized as an effective approach to regulate the binding of
reaction intermediates and modify catalytic behavior on noble metal nanocatalysts …
reaction intermediates and modify catalytic behavior on noble metal nanocatalysts …