Mismatch repair pathway, genome stability and cancer
The acquisition of genomic instability is one of the key characteristics of the cancer cell, and
microsatellite instability (MSI) is an important segment of this phenomenon. This review aims …
microsatellite instability (MSI) is an important segment of this phenomenon. This review aims …
Tandem repeats mediating genetic plasticity in health and disease
AJ Hannan - Nature Reviews Genetics, 2018 - nature.com
Accumulating evidence suggests that many classes of DNA repeats exhibit attributes that
distinguish them from other genetic variants, including the fact that they are more liable to …
distinguish them from other genetic variants, including the fact that they are more liable to …
Patterns of de novo tandem repeat mutations and their role in autism
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an early-onset developmental disorder characterized by
deficits in communication and social interaction and restrictive or repetitive behaviours …
deficits in communication and social interaction and restrictive or repetitive behaviours …
The landscape of human STR variation
Short tandem repeats are among the most polymorphic loci in the human genome. These
loci play a role in the etiology of a range of genetic diseases and have been frequently …
loci play a role in the etiology of a range of genetic diseases and have been frequently …
Mutation and selection processes regulating short tandem repeats give rise to genetic and phenotypic diversity across species
Short tandem repeats (STRs) are units of 1–6 bp that repeat in a tandem fashion in DNA.
Along with single nucleotide polymorphisms and large structural variations, they are among …
Along with single nucleotide polymorphisms and large structural variations, they are among …
lobSTR: a short tandem repeat profiler for personal genomes
Short tandem repeats (STRs) have a wide range of applications, including medical genetics,
forensics, and genetic genealogy. High-throughput sequencing (HTS) has the potential to …
forensics, and genetic genealogy. High-throughput sequencing (HTS) has the potential to …
A genomic view of short tandem repeats
M Gymrek - Current opinion in genetics & development, 2017 - Elsevier
Short tandem repeats (STRs) are some of the fastest mutating loci in the genome. Tools for
accurately profiling STRs from high-throughput sequencing data have enabled genome …
accurately profiling STRs from high-throughput sequencing data have enabled genome …
Rise of the machines–recommendations for ecologists when using next generation sequencing for microsatellite development
Next generation sequencing is revolutionizing molecular ecology by simplifying the
development of molecular genetic markers, including microsatellites. Here, we summarize …
development of molecular genetic markers, including microsatellites. Here, we summarize …
Microsatellite tandem repeats are abundant in human promoters and are associated with regulatory elements
Tandem repeats are genomic elements that are prone to changes in repeat number and are
thus often polymorphic. These sequences are found at a high density at the start of human …
thus often polymorphic. These sequences are found at a high density at the start of human …