A big data urban growth simulation at a national scale: configuring the GIS and neural network based land transformation model to run in a high performance …
Abstract The Land Transformation Model (LTM) is a Land Use Land Cover Change (LUCC)
model which was originally developed to simulate local scale LUCC patterns. The model …
model which was originally developed to simulate local scale LUCC patterns. The model …
Urban expansion simulation based on various driving factors using a logistic regression model: Delhi as a case study
During the last three decades, Delhi has witnessed extensive and rapid urban expansion in
all directions, especially in the East South East zone. The total built-up area has risen …
all directions, especially in the East South East zone. The total built-up area has risen …
Two rule-based urban growth boundary models applied to the Tehran metropolitan area, Iran
Abstract Urban Growth Boundaries (UGBs) that limit urban expansion out are being
implemented by planning agencies worldwide. Thus, there is a need to create models that …
implemented by planning agencies worldwide. Thus, there is a need to create models that …
Modeling multiple land use changes using ANN, CART and MARS: Comparing tradeoffs in goodness of fit and explanatory power of data mining tools
A Tayyebi, BC Pijanowski - … Journal of Applied Earth Observation and …, 2014 - Elsevier
Over half of the earth's terrestrial surface has been modified by humans. This modification is
called land use change and its pattern is known to occur in a non-linear way. The land use …
called land use change and its pattern is known to occur in a non-linear way. The land use …
Future urban expansion and local climate zone changes in relation to land surface temperature: Case of Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, Thailand
This paper focuses on land use and land cover (LULC) expansion and local climate zone
(LCZ) changes in relation to warming in the future, the study concentrates on three major …
(LCZ) changes in relation to warming in the future, the study concentrates on three major …
Modelling the relationship between urban expansion processes and urban forest characteristics: An application to the Metropolitan District of Quito
The rapid process of global urbanisation engenders changes in urban socio-ecological
systems and in the landscape structure. However, the future processes of urban expansion …
systems and in the landscape structure. However, the future processes of urban expansion …
Predicting the expansion of an urban boundary using spatial logistic regression and hybrid raster–vector routines with remote sensing and GIS
This paper presents an urban growth boundary model (UGBM) which utilizes spatial logistic
regression (SLR), remote sensing, and GIS to simulate the differentially expanding geometry …
regression (SLR), remote sensing, and GIS to simulate the differentially expanding geometry …
Comparing three global parametric and local non-parametric models to simulate land use change in diverse areas of the world
A Tayyebi, BC Pijanowski, M Linderman… - … Modelling & Software, 2014 - Elsevier
This paper compares one global parametric land use change model, the artificial neural
network–based Land Transformation Model, with two local non-parametric models: a …
network–based Land Transformation Model, with two local non-parametric models: a …
Assessing the potential impacts of climate and land use change on water fluxes and sediment transport in a loosely coupled system
Climate and land use change are the two primary factors that affect different components of
hydrological cycle as well as sediment transport in the watershed. Quantifying potential …
hydrological cycle as well as sediment transport in the watershed. Quantifying potential …
[PDF][PDF] Quantifying urban growth pattern in develo** countries using remote sensing and spatial metrics: A case study in Kampala, Uganda
GA Abebe - 2013 - essay.utwente.nl
Rapid urbanization and urban growth, particularly in the develo** worlds, is continuing to
be one of the crucial issues of global change in the 21st century affecting the physical …
be one of the crucial issues of global change in the 21st century affecting the physical …