Droplet microfluidics: A tool for biology, chemistry and nanotechnology
The ability to perform laboratory operations on small scales using miniaturized devices
provides numerous benefits, including reduced quantities of reagents and waste as well as …
provides numerous benefits, including reduced quantities of reagents and waste as well as …
Advances and prospects for whispering gallery mode microcavities
Microlasers have experienced tremendous development in the past decade and become an
essential part in laser evolution, as miniature lasers provide strong optical confinement and …
essential part in laser evolution, as miniature lasers provide strong optical confinement and …
Autonomous microlasers for profiling extracellular vesicles from cancer spheroids
Self-propelled micro/nanomotors are emergent intelligent sensors for analyzing extracellular
biomarkers in circulating biological fluids. Conventional luminescent motors are often …
biomarkers in circulating biological fluids. Conventional luminescent motors are often …
Fluorescent and lasing whispering gallery mode microresonators for sensing applications
Whispering gallery modes (WGMs) have been exploited for a broad range of sensing
applications. However, the vast majority of WGM sensors consist of passive resonators …
applications. However, the vast majority of WGM sensors consist of passive resonators …
Collective effects in second-harmonic generation from split-ring-resonator arrays
Optical experiments on second-harmonic generation from split-ring-resonator square arrays
show a nonmonotonic dependence of the conversion efficiency on the lattice constant. This …
show a nonmonotonic dependence of the conversion efficiency on the lattice constant. This …
Microcavity-and microlaser-based optical barcoding: A review of encoding techniques and applications
Optical microbarcodes have recently received a great deal of interest because of their
suitability for a wide range of applications, such as multiplexed assays, cell tagging and …
suitability for a wide range of applications, such as multiplexed assays, cell tagging and …
Microfluidic whispering gallery mode optical sensors for biological applications
Whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonators have been exploited as a highly sensitive and
efficient sensing technique in the past few years. They offer the advantages of ultrahigh …
efficient sensing technique in the past few years. They offer the advantages of ultrahigh …
High-Q lasing via all-dielectric Bloch-surface-wave platform
Controlling the propagation and emission of light via Bloch surface waves (BSWs) has held
promise in the field of on-chip nanophotonics. BSW-based optical devices are being widely …
promise in the field of on-chip nanophotonics. BSW-based optical devices are being widely …
Whispering gallery mode microlasers and refractive index sensing based on single polymer fiber
The realization of whispering gallery mode (WGM) lasing in polymer fibers is hindered by an
appropriate method to dissolve the polymer and the gain material. In this work, microfibers …
appropriate method to dissolve the polymer and the gain material. In this work, microfibers …