Dynamic modelling of a compressed heat energy storage (CHEST) system integrated with a cascaded phase change materials thermal energy storage

A Tafone, R Pili, MP Andersen, A Romagnoli - Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
Carnot batteries represent an emerging thermo-mechanical energy storage technology
based on the conversion of surplus electricity into medium–low temperature heat, and …

Techno-economic optimization of ORC system structure, size and working fluid within biomass-fired municipal cogeneration plant retrofitting project

M Świerzewski, J Kalina, A Musiał - Renewable Energy, 2021 - Elsevier
This paper continues discussion on financial viability and design optimisation of biomass-
fired Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Combined Heat and Power (CHP) systems. It examines …

Simultaneous optimization of design and operation of an air-cooled geothermal ORC under consideration of multiple operating points

M Langiu, M Dahmen, A Mitsos - Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2022 - Elsevier
We simultaneously optimize both the design and operation of an air-cooled geothermal
organic Rankine cycle, maximizing total annual return (TAR), while considering multiple …

[PDF][PDF] Optimisation of pump operation to increase the cycle efficiency of an ORC during part load

A van der Vries - repository.tudelft.nl
The global warming and increase in energy use demands the industry to come up with ideas
to lower the CO2 production and save valuable energy. Organic Rankine cycles have a …

[PDF][PDF] Optymalizacja parametrów konstrukcyjnych i eksploatacyjnych siłowni ORC zasilanej ciepłem odpadowym z procesów przemysłowych

WIŚI ENERGETYKI - repolis.bg.polsl.pl
Ciepło odpadowe wstępujące w przemyśle stanowi zasób, który przy odpowiednich
uwarunkowaniach może zostać użytecznie zagospodarowany. Jedną z najprostszych oraz …

Advancements in Automated Methods for Fluid-Dynamic Turbomachinery Design

R Agromayor Otero - 2021 - ntnuopen.ntnu.no
Automated design methods are emerging as a powerful tool for the fluid-dynamic design of
turbomachinery components. Such automated methods integrate mathematical models of …

Development of a model for the dynamic performance characterization of a scroll expander

A Neirotti - 2020 - webthesis.biblio.polito.it
The aim of this thesis is to present a model for studying the dynamic behaviour of scroll
expanders. The latter are volumetric machines that generate mechanical power expanding …