Regulatory arbitrage and cross‐border bank acquisitions
We study how differences in bank regulation influence cross‐border bank acquisition flows
and share price reactions to cross‐border deal announcements. Using a sample of 7,297 …
and share price reactions to cross‐border deal announcements. Using a sample of 7,297 …
Mergers and acquisitions and environmental conditions: a systematic literature review to investigate their linkage
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to systematically examine and organize the literature
that has explored the effects of several environmental conditions (ECs) on mergers and …
that has explored the effects of several environmental conditions (ECs) on mergers and …
Performance of bank mergers and acquisitions: a review of the recent empirical evidence
This review provides a comprehensive analysis of the literature on bank mergers and
acquisitions with an emphasis on the last decade. The study identifies and analyzes more …
acquisitions with an emphasis on the last decade. The study identifies and analyzes more …
'Too systemically important to fail'in banking–Evidence from bank mergers and acquisitions
In this paper, we examine the systemic risk implications of banking institutions that are
considered 'Too-systemically-important-to-fail'(TSITF). We exploit a sample of bank mergers …
considered 'Too-systemically-important-to-fail'(TSITF). We exploit a sample of bank mergers …
Mergers & acquisition decisions in the energy sector based on financial transparency and audit opinions
The BRICS countries are known to be a key market for foreign direct investment. This paper
analyzes the decision of EU acquirers from developed economies to invest in the energy …
analyzes the decision of EU acquirers from developed economies to invest in the energy …
Do mergers and acquisitions announcements create value for acquirer shareholders in Africa
This study provides evidence of positive abnormal returns earned by shareholders of
acquirers upon merger and acquisition (M&A) announcements on African markets. We …
acquirers upon merger and acquisition (M&A) announcements on African markets. We …
Regulatory arbitrage in cross‐border banking mergers within the EU
Expanding the cross‐country footprint of an organization's profit‐making activities changes
the geographic pattern of its exposure to loss in ways that are hard for regulators and …
the geographic pattern of its exposure to loss in ways that are hard for regulators and …
The impact of forced mergers and acquisitions on banks' total factor productivity: empirical evidence from Malaysia
In the present paper, we employ alternative techniques to examine the impact of mergers
and acquisitions on the total factor productivity of Malaysian banks. These alternative …
and acquisitions on the total factor productivity of Malaysian banks. These alternative …
What do bank acquirers want? Evidence from worldwide bank M&A targets
What drives bankers to create larger and larger, often multinational banking groups? In this
paper we investigate whether the targets in cross-border bank M&As are materially different …
paper we investigate whether the targets in cross-border bank M&As are materially different …
Earnings management of target firms and deal premiums: The role of industry relatedness
This paper contributes to the merger and acquisitions (M&A) literature by providing evidence
for the role of industry relatedness in the association between target firms' earnings …
for the role of industry relatedness in the association between target firms' earnings …