Recent advances in super-resolution optical imaging based on aggregation-induced emission
FY Zhu, LJ Mei, R Tian, C Li, YL Wang… - Chemical Society …, 2024 -
Super-resolution imaging has rapidly emerged as an optical microscopy technique, offering
advantages of high optical resolution over the past two decades; achieving improved …
advantages of high optical resolution over the past two decades; achieving improved …
Single-molecule localization microscopy
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) describes a family of powerful imaging
techniques that dramatically improve spatial resolution over standard, diffraction-limited …
techniques that dramatically improve spatial resolution over standard, diffraction-limited …
Molecular photoswitches in aqueous environments
Molecular photoswitches enable dynamic control of processes with high spatiotemporal
precision, using light as external stimulus, and hence are ideal tools for different research …
precision, using light as external stimulus, and hence are ideal tools for different research …
Democratising deep learning for microscopy with ZeroCostDL4Mic
Deep Learning (DL) methods are powerful analytical tools for microscopy and can
outperform conventional image processing pipelines. Despite the enthusiasm and …
outperform conventional image processing pipelines. Despite the enthusiasm and …
An anti-HER2 biparatopic antibody that induces unique HER2 clustering and complement-dependent cytotoxicity
NE Weisser, M Sanches, E Escobar-Cabrera… - Nature …, 2023 -
Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) is a receptor tyrosine kinase that plays an
oncogenic role in breast, gastric and other solid tumors. However, anti-HER2 therapies are …
oncogenic role in breast, gastric and other solid tumors. However, anti-HER2 therapies are …
Super-resolution microscopy for structural cell biology
Super-resolution microscopy techniques, and specifically single-molecule localization
microscopy (SMLM), are approaching nanometer resolution inside cells and thus have great …
microscopy (SMLM), are approaching nanometer resolution inside cells and thus have great …
Fluorescence nanoscopy in cell biology
Fluorescence nanoscopy uniquely combines minimally invasive optical access to the
internal nanoscale structure and dynamics of cells and tissues with molecular detection …
internal nanoscale structure and dynamics of cells and tissues with molecular detection …
Expansion microscopy: principles and uses in biological research
Many biological investigations require 3D imaging of cells or tissues with nanoscale spatial
resolution. We recently discovered that preserved biological specimens can be physically …
resolution. We recently discovered that preserved biological specimens can be physically …
A review of super-resolution single-molecule localization microscopy cluster analysis and quantification methods
Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) is a relatively new imaging modality,
winning the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and considered as one of the key super …
winning the 2014 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and considered as one of the key super …
Super-resolution microscopy with DNA-PAINT
Super-resolution techniques have begun to transform biological and biomedical research by
allowing researchers to observe structures well below the classic diffraction limit of light …
allowing researchers to observe structures well below the classic diffraction limit of light …