Levenberg-Marquardt method with singular scaling and applications

E Boos, DS Gonçalves, FSV Bazán - Applied Mathematics and …, 2024 - Elsevier
Inspired by certain regularization techniques for linear inverse problems, in this work we
investigate the convergence properties of the Levenberg-Marquardt method using singular …

Feasible sequential convex programming with inexact restoration for multistage ascent trajectory optimization

Y Ma, B Pan, R Yan - IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This article presents a feasible sequential convex programming method to solve the
multistage ascent trajectory optimization problem. The proposed method is based on the …

Forward electromagnetic induction modelling in a multilayered half-space: an open-source software tool

GP Deidda, P Díaz de Alba, F Pes, G Rodriguez - Remote Sensing, 2023 - mdpi.com
Electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques are widely used in geophysical surveying. Their
success is mainly due to their easy and fast data acquisition, but the effectiveness of data …

A doubly relaxed minimal-norm Gauss–Newton method for underdetermined nonlinear least-squares problems

F Pes, G Rodriguez - Applied Numerical Mathematics, 2022 - Elsevier
When a physical system is modeled by a nonlinear function, the unknown parameters can
be estimated by fitting experimental observations by a least-squares approach. Newton's …

Regularized minimal-norm solution of an overdetermined system of first kind integral equations

PD de Alba, L Fermo, F Pes, G Rodriguez - Numerical Algorithms, 2023 - Springer
Overdetermined systems of first kind integral equations appear in many applications. When
the right-hand side is discretized, the resulting finite-data problem is ill-posed and admits …

Minimal-norm RKHS solution of an integral model in geo-electromagnetism

PD de Alba, L Fermo, F Pes… - 2021 21st International …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this paper, a numerical method is developed for approximating the solution of a linear
integral model in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). The model is typical of …

[HTML][HTML] Ascertaining the ideality of photometric stereo datasets under unknown lighting

E Crabu, F Pes, G Rodriguez, G Tanda - Algorithms, 2023 - mdpi.com
The standard photometric stereo model makes several assumptions that are rarely verified
in experimental datasets. In particular, the observed object should behave as a Lambertian …

An efficient implementation of the Gauss–Newton method via generalized Krylov subspaces

A Buccini, PD de Alba, F Pes, L Reichel - Journal of Scientific Computing, 2023 - Springer
The solution of nonlinear inverse problems is a challenging task in numerical analysis. In
most cases, this kind of problems is solved by iterative procedures that, at each iteration …

[HTML][HTML] Color reconstruction by photometric stereo with unknown lighting of rock art carvings found in two Sardinian Domus de Janas

E Crabu, F Pes, G Rodriguez, G Tanda - Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2025 - Elsevier
Artifacts documentation is an important aspect of archaeological studies, not only to
preserve these objects but also to learn from them the culture of ancient populations. Hence …

[HTML][HTML] A projection method for general form linear least-squares problems

F Pes, G Rodriguez - Applied Mathematics Letters, 2023 - Elsevier
One of the possible approaches for the solution of underdetermined linear least-squares
problems in general form, for a chosen regularization operator L, projects the problem in the …